>>READER INSERT<< Vampire!Jamil Viper x Reader

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Requested by: sanata101

Lol, sorry for being stubborn but I changed some parts, again.


Born as a noble, it is normal to be invited to parties or any gatherings wearing such formal and beautiful clothing to be paired with expensive jewelries.

She tried not to stand out, however, the eyes of every gentlemen were set upon her pale skin and intoxicating beauty in such a young age. What a perfect prey for every predator, a person could thought.

Taking a glass of un-alcoholic drink from the table, she went to the balcony where no was there. She breathed heavily, not being used to parties such as this. Her family already warned her, Beasts, Fairies and Vampires would attend and could make the air of the room unsimilar to the normal one.

"I want to leave..." She mumbled to herself, looking at the strawberry moon in light.

At the other side of the room, a man with a tan skin studies her looks. A skin as white as snow, and beauty exceeds everyone in the world, who might she be?

Taking a step further to that young lady who's watching the moon, his throat became drier and drier as he takes a step closer

Before he could grab her shoulders to make her make him forcefully, she looked back with her eyes widened. "A... V-Vampire...?" She didn't admit the truth. Y/n fell in love with him on the first sight, even knowing that he is a dangerous one.

Jamil's slender fingers wrapped against his neck, showing his thirst for humans' blood. Panting oh so heavily, The man looked at the lady without any words.

Y/n's shoulder and neck are exposed because of the latest design, being forced to her back at her family's manor. "Young man..." She titled her head, showing more of her skin. "...Do it, but please, don't be so messy"

Without hesitation, he pulled her closely. Licking her neck and receiving a whimper from the young woman.

The next moment, he bit the certain spot that can be hidden by her choker once it's finished. Y/n's strong grip on Jamil's shoulder became weak. Until she lost her senses and faint on the strong arms of his.

As her senses returned, she's lying on someone's bed. The ceiling is familiar enough to make her think that she's home already. "...Is it perhaps, A dream...?"

"Lady Y-Y/n!" She could hear someone shrieked, knowing that it is her personal maid. "P-Please wait here. I'm going to call the duke and duchess!"

Her limbs are still weak, and her neck stings. "Its not a dream..." She told to herself, placing a hand where she was bitten by the person she loves

The door was forced open, revealing her parents in tears. "Y/n!" Her mother cried out, going to the side of the bed with her husband.

"Who've done this?! Tell us, Y/n!" Her Father pleaded with his eyes narrowing.

She was the one who asked that vampire to drink her blood directly from her neck, and she cannot blame that man because it was all her fault. "Mother... Father... I-"

"It seems that I have fell in love with that vampire..."

They cannot believe what they have heard. But their dear daughter already fell in love with that person and they don't have any choice but to break her betrothal with the other family and find that vampire she fell in love to. For the sake of their precious daughter's sanity.

After two weeks of getting healed by the family of Rosehearts, there was yet another invitation sent to the L/n Family. Another ball of non-humans and humans, 'for the unity of every beings of the world' as written in the invitation.

She smiled with glee and excitement, However, that smile faded when thoughts came to her mind.

What if he's just thirsty for her blood?

What if he's already taken?

What if he doesn't feel the same as hers?

What if... he already forgot who she is...?

She shook her head, locking herself in her room for days, being depressed by those questions. She needed answers for that. She needed HIM to answer all of that with sincerity.

Y/n wore a dress that suits her the best, jewelries that her mother picked, and a choker that will hide another bite from that man.

When the carriage arrived, she waved for goodbyes to her parents and servants. Ebony carriage which she rode, flying in the sky with a dark smoke. And when she arrived,

Jamil was already there, waiting for her.

Y/n ran after him, hugging him tightly. Such bliss she felt when he hugged back with his heart's content.

"Young man... I don't know your name yet" Her orbs glistening, awaiting for his answer.

"My name is Jamil, Jamil Viper" He introduces himself, taking her gloved hand and kissing it passionately. "And you are...?"

"Y/n L/n. It's a pleasure to see you again, Jamil"

They entered the dance room with their arms linked to one another. Waltzing as the calming sound plays, Everyone's eyes were set upon them.

Her plan to 'not to stand out' was now brushed away. Her beloved is now close to her, Why do she need to hide in the shadows?

Dancing gracefully, they shared their sweetest smile as if this moment was the closing program of their wedding. "Jamil, is it okay to ask?"

He giggled softly, still concentrating in their dance, no, their show. "You are already asking m'lady"

Y/n cheeks were tinted pink due to embarrassment. Her feet never stopped moving, till they twirled.

"Do you like someone?"

"Yes, I do." Jamil answered calmly as possible. But his arms became unsteady, Thankfully, the music ended, signaling the end of the dance.

"w-who might that person be...?" Her voice cracked as she looked down. They were still in the middle of the dancefloor to which the people who attended were all looking at them.

"The person I like is... You, Lady Y/n" He confessed. Jamil never expected to confess in the middle of everyone, looking at them. He felt nervous and also vice versa. He long knew that her family is looking for him but one thing formed in his mind. What if she changed her mind...? That would be horrible, to be honest.

Her eyes watered when she once again looked at him straightly. "M-Me too... Jamil. I... I like you too!" Y/n raised her voice, gripping on her dress' net.

The crowd released an applause, and some just sighed heavily on the show that they thought was a lover's quarrel.

Jamil's hand went to her chin, ang lifting it gently as he presses his lips to hers. Their noses did bumped awkwardly since it was their first kisses. Tilting her heads to an angle, Y/n's arms snaked on his neck and Jamil's wrapped her slim waist.

Hot breathes were felt, but they enjoyed. Their hearts beated fast and their eyes were half lidded from desire.

The crowd didn't stop cheering for them until they broke the kiss. Yet again, sweet music was played by the professional musicians, letting he young couple dance in the middle by the permission of the Party's coordinator to at least let them celebrate their loving hearts' day.


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