>>READER INSERT<< Leona Kingscholar x Reader

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Requested by AyanamiAyumi


His only wish wasn't granted, and it'll never be.

The second Prince of Afterglow Savannah who's full of Pride, he kept showing his best, as well as his effort in many things. But that Prince became different when his brother became the king. 

"...Why... Why, WHY?!!" Leona growled, choking Ruggie by his hands. You cannot just let that gentle hands of his getting tainted by anyone's blood, therefore, you need to stop him.

'I'm gonna save you, no matter what happens' you mumbled. Taking a first step to approach him, you gathered your strength. If this fails, Ruggie, Leona and you will die.

"What are you doing, dumbass?!" Ace yelled but he never had the chance to grab your wrist and stop you. Sacrificing yourself for the sake of others is something like suicide, the surviving rate is low and the death's rate is high. It's as if the devil is pulling you down so he'll have a new playmate on it's home.

"If i died, Send a message to my family back in my world instead!!" Tears started to roll down in your cheeks, sending shivers and heat in your body. "I'm sorry, everyone..."

Pushing Ruggie on the ground to make Leona's release his now bruised and sand covered neck. He almost fainted because of lack of oxygen which caused him to cough so much after he got released. 

"Leona-senpai, Stop this already... Calm down...!" Making an action that wasn't like you at all, you cupped his cheeks, hoping that he'll recognize you at this state.

...Too bad, he didn't.

His massive claws injured your abdomen and as you dropped on the stadium's ground, your body were as if bathing in your own blood. Luck isn't really in your side from the beginning and now, your unfortunate fate ends here...

His eyes were locked onto your trembling body. Leona's self control went back little by little because of the color and scent of the blood. The black ink faded away, as well as his strength. He wanted to reach out to your hand however, he cannot just do that after what he have done. He never knew if you're still alive or not. With that pool of blood, he's sure that you've passed away.

Cannot think straightly any longer, he fainted right after that. Unknowing what should he do once he wakes up.

"i love you... Y/n..."

Birds chirped ever so lively like what happened when the sleeping beauty woke up. Neither of them knew that they're in the same hospital room since they were unconscious for days. 

Leona and Y/n pointed at each other while they eyes are wide open as well as their mouth that are all agape. The two beauties that people could describe blinked many times for they not believing the fact they're in the same room.

"WHAT?! WHO?!" they said in sync. Wanting to slap themselves, they managed not to do so after knowing that there's actually people watching them at the corner of the room.

"Young couples really are noisy aren't they? Shishishi. I should call the doctor and say that the 'awesome couple' woke up at the same time~!" Ruggie went out of the room without waiting for their response on that. 

"Who are you calling awesome couple?!" Leona exclaimed and soon coughs from the dryness of his throat. Being a obedient one Jack is, he offered the lion a glass of water. "Y/n and You were actually holding hands when you two fainted. Leona-senpai was the one who reach out to Y/n-san's hand" Jack bluntly let them know. This wolf is seriously unwavering. That just proves he's stating a fact.

"I-Impossible, i didn't have the strength that time!"Leona kept denying until he finally gave up. His cheeks are tinted red, tilting his head to the other side to hide that embarrassing face he's making at the moment.

"W-what the heck..." you also blushed. You're expecting him to do that at all. Does that mean he has special feelings to you? ...Heh no way, Leona is Leona. He'll never fall in love to a normal person who can't use magic. 

"I bet he's reached out his hand for help, not because of romance!" You bit your lips, failing to realize that Jack was already out of the room minutes ago. "Ah... sorry" you mumbled, loud enough for him to hear

"I'm sorry too" You perked up to his words. 

"Uh... y-yeah..." The air of the room became awkward and the two of you still haven't look at each other's eyes even for some seconds. 'No way... he won't like me back. As if he'll do anyway'

The door was open, revealing a small group of Healers. Y/n and Leona were thoroughly checked here and there, they casted spells to heal the two.

Little did you knew, Leona is staring at you intensively, waiting for the time to say that to you. That corny sentence that will kill him after he says it.

"You intrigue me, I love you so much"

A voice was heard, similar to Leona's. You looked at him, causing you two stare at each other's eyes. Yes, it's actually his voice. 

"I love you too, don't worry"

you said in your mind, thinking that he'll hear it in his mind too. Oh well, he did! Is it because love is magic? Or maybe you've developed a magic without noticing? that doiesn't matter right now. At least you two already confressed at each other, privately and romantically.


(The healers are now confused XD)

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