(READER INSERT) Heartslabyul(s) x fem!Reader

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Req by: DP2810

"Nee, Y/n. Do you have someone you like?" out of blue, Deuce asked you like this at the cafeteria making Cater, Trey, Ace, and Y/n choke on their foods.

"wh-wha-wha-wha-whaa?!" blushing shades of red, she cannot even answer properly because of this ridiculous question of his

"i-is that THAT weird to ask something like that?" analyzing the situation and words he blurted, he looked at the other side not looking at the other Heartslabyul members.

"Juice, don't ask such a thing while we're eating!" Ace told him. As everyone agrees including you. "DEU not JUI!"

but ever since that talk happened....

opening the locker of yours, two girly looking cards showed up in front of you. You were Frozen, Shocked, the first two love letters you have received in your whole existence. "Y/n, what's wrong? did someone put something on your locker?" Ace and Deuce getting worried, they looked at your locker and saw 2 letters in it. "Woah.. congrats lil' Y/n!" they both said. But deep inside, they were actually scared that you're going to accept one of it, not knowing who is the one who sent these.

break time comes, she excused herself and privately read the letter. Going at the back of the school herself, opening the first one,


Dear Y/n,

I've always liked you. Ever since I met you, I thought of you as an angel that fell down from heaven to have me. By the time you're reading this, didn't you notice that my handwriting is familiar? Ehehe... that's why I like you^. Anyways, can we meet up tomorrow after school in your classroom? I'll cry if you won't~ ;)

Longing for you~ C.D.


"this handwriting really is familiar... but I don't remember who is it. and by this cute looking letter... it's really someone I really know. Cater-senpai? no, no way. he said that he already has a crush" she thought as she opens the 2nd letter


Dear Y/n,

I never knew how joyous life could be until I saw your face. My heart leaps like a hummingbird in flight every time I see you. This is something I have never felt before, and it is you that inspires it. When I think about you and our rich conversations, I feel a warmness inside. I cannot hide my smiles, even when we are apart. Y/n L/n, can we meet up tomorrow after school in your classroom?

Your Admirer, R.R.


"What such a lovely letter... but...same date and time?! wha--"

"Y/n can you keep your voice down there?" following where you heard the voice, "D-Dorm leader?!" looking for the reason you're all red, he flinched when he saw the letters in your hands.

"So you're reading those..." he mumbles. "pardon?"

without answering you, he left. But you swear with your eyes, you saw his ears turning red.

going back to the classroom to take your bag, You open it up and about to put the 2 letters you have read when another 3 showed up.

taking your bag having your way at the Heartslabyul dorm, You rushed to your room and sat into the bed. "why am I receiving this many letters...?" she asked herself feeling anxious and excited at the same time, despite not knowing who they are.

opening the sweetly designed letter, she read,


Dear Y/n,

Many have asked what happened to create this new and better me. I told them, without hesitation, it is you. Sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with all the longing and excitement I feel when I think of you. Just for saying your name at night would make me smile unending. Every time we would bond with the others, I would secretly look at you, Imagining that what if we would become the sweetest couple on the campus? I really do like you Y/n, ever since the beginning. Can we meet up tomorrow after school at your classroom?

Yours truly, T.C.


Dear Y/n,

With such beauty you possess and kindness of your heart, I can still remember when I first saw you, helping the injured bird that fell into the ground... Healing it with your magic, you even cried for it. That moment, you captured my heart. I know that we are not that very close but every time you're with me, I felt that time by time, I would forget my problems just looking at you. Sorry for my selfish request but, can we meet up tomorrow in your class after school?

Yours truly, D.S.


Dear Y/n,

I know that I've caused you problems at that time. I didn't even give you a proper 'I'm sorry' for that. Not gonna lie, you did change me by your scoldings. But to my surprise, You're not even scolding me like how Riddle does. You scold me by correcting me with your gentle voice, even smiling at me when I did, You're so cute that I cannot resist it... i wanted to tell you my feeling personally. Can we meet up tomorrow after school in your class?

Yours truly, A.T.


reading all of them made you felt the greater pressure towards these. "what's with Tomorrow after school anyway?!"

Til, the said time is there. All of the classes are all dismissed. Feeling nervous even though there's no one in sight in the hallways, you heard noises from your classroom. An idea of peeking is a no go for you and so, you listened while holding the letters you've received from the people inside the room

"Why are you people here?! I only saw her holding 2 letters yesterday!" one of them says. With that familiar voice that echoed the whole room, you felt a shiver at your spine, hearing Riddle's voice

"don't just own her Riddle! I know that you're here for the same reason as... Y-Y/n..?"

an impossible scenario now has become possible. Rubbing her eyes by her fingers, the sight in front of her didn't change. Dropping the letters in the floor, she says: "G-Guys..?"

everyone went silent, they lined up and says the same phrase as they bow in front of her

"Y/N L/N Please go out with me!" the five said in sync.

"G-Guys... why...?" crying out of happiness, the people who confessed her are the people who she likes. (reverse harem uhuhuhu)

weeping, she answered "s-sorry... I can't..." shocking the bunch of men in front of her. "I can't because... I also like the five of you" she blurted out, shocking them even more.

"wh-what now..?" Cater said

taking seconds to think, Riddle made a weird idea "nee, y/n how about choosing all of us and spending time together as always?" he said as a smile crept upon his lips. "does that mean like.. if we're going to date, all of us are going?"

"yes, or decide by a draw or what Y/n wants that is"

"sounds fun!" trey commented

"Y/n what now?"

"it's fun anyway so... sure. i will!"

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