(READER INSERT) Malleus Draconia x stressed!Reader

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Requested by: sanata101

What a stressful week it is...

Fixing, take care of this, and that, Getting through classes, doing projects and assignments. You had enough of these. You can't even sleep at night, Cannot even concentrate on works that were passed to you by the kind headmaster.

She teared up facing all of the paperwork she needed to finish. Grim wasn't there, he was taken by Divus Crewel to have extra lessons because of his failing grades. Her eyes began to swell, She needed someone to help her at least. She's been awake for days already. Taking an hour's nap could only harm her health.

She got up from her seat heading to the kitchen to fetch water for her to drink. Hiccups echoes into the kitchen as well as the water running.

Y/n drank the whole in one go, causing her to cough. She wanted this stressful life to end, However, that will still cause her problems instead of resting in peace.

The prefect of the dorm went out to feel the fresh air after remembering her friend's suggestion. This might reduce her headache at least, to have a good night's sleep.

Night's breeze brushed against her (s/c) skin. "...good" She mumbled, letting out a small smile. Just going out makes the good memories flood her mind like when they were kicked out of the dorm, and receiving The heartslabyul duo and Jack's help. And... Her nighttime mysterious best friend.

"Gods... Please let me sleep for this night..."


The holy figures didn't grant her wish. She was up awake and about to faint as she was walking at the main street. "Third... day huh..?"

She also noticed that the strands of her start to fall when she was brushing her hair this morning "Just how awful my life can be...?" She asks herself.

She took another step when she felt dizzy. Putting a hand on her forehead to feel how hot she is. Before she could react, she is falling into the ground.

"...Y/n!" Someone exclaimed with that voice she has always known. Waiting for her to fall on the ground as her heart beat goes wild. But she never felt that cold, hard floor.

She opens her weak eyes, revealing her hero, "..T-Tsunotaro?"

"What do you think are you doing, you idiot?!" Malleus shouted at you. it was his first time to lose his cool in front of you. Letting out a dark murderous aura, making the other students ran away in fear, But you just smiled and shed a tear as you ask for forgiveness


Finally, she had a nice sleep, in the infirmary, however. With someone's hand clasped on yours, sleeping at the side of the bed. "Tsunotaro..." You said, caressing his soft, silky hair.

His eyes fluttered open to this normal action. He gazed at your (e/c) eyes taking his time to register on his mind that you're already awake. "Y/n!" He pulled you gently into a hug, shocking you.

"I see... someone was worried..." She smiled gratefully at the man still holding her close. That's the reason why she loved him so much, she reasoned out.

"I'm going to take care of you, starting from now on" Malleus stated, breaking the hug and cupping your cheeks. "I will take care of you so you won't faint anymore. If I won't be able to do that simple thing, I'll end myself in front of you" He jokingly says but you can not have it! "TsunTsun, Don't!" She grabbed her collar shaking him. "Don't do that!" Y/n continues, receiving a grin from the other.

"Fufufu... I won't, unless you would behave, that is"


he managed to get pass through his noisy guard, Sebek, by using Lilia as a shield. Living in the Ramshackle dorm for a week to help his troubled friend, Y/n L/n.

They did everything together, studying, cooking, cleaning up while having fun with each other. Y/n obeys all of his orders like:

"Have some rest"

"Drink this"

"Eat properly"

Even the most craziest thing, drawing a circle on the wooden floor with a chair inside it. "Don't move out to the drawn circle or else, I will really end myself" while fixing her messy bed. Reason? "You won't be able to sleep properly if you won't fix your bed."

Scared to lose him, she did everything he asks to. Why? It's because she likes him

"Y/n, go sleep, NOW" he orders her. As she sprinted to her bed, she closed her eyes like a behaving child. "Now, relax. Do not open your eyes, no matter what" You nodded in response, trying to relax yourself

You felt slender fingers massaged your head, to the scalp. It felt relaxing that you became drowsy. What calmed you more, is a thing being pressed in your lips in your dreams. Not knowing that he has been kissing you every time you are asleep.

Another one, being hugged at one's dream? yes, those are all real. And, "I love you Y/n", hm, That's also true, my dear.

Yet, she continues to believe that its all a dream, A dream filled with Malleus

Upon waking up, your body feels nice being wrapped into someone's muscular arms. Your dearest Tsunotaro slept in your side, Which also made your heart skip a beat

"w-wait..." She looked at the man sleeping innocently on her side "TsunTsun?! What the?!"

The sudden screaming woke him up, kinda annoyed but soon faded and turned into the opposite. "Morning, young lady" he greeted, winking at you

Feeling hot on the both of your cheeks, you threw a pillow to his face. Taking another one for you to hug and hide your face with it.

He lets out a chuckle, playing with your messy hair, pressing his soft lips to your exposed forehead.

"Time to get ready, My Darling"

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