(READER INSERT) Divus Crewel x Original Character

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Requested by: EllyAngel_love


"Sensei... I like you!" Elizabeth yelled in the hallway for the 21st time of the month, as the teacher whom she loves, passed on her side; Divus Crewel

Yet, his usual emotionless self is the one who turned. "Pup, do you know what are you saying?" he asked, raising a brow. "Even if you're the best in my class, I won't. Elizabeth, you've gone crazy. Stop that talk little puppy" ending with a smile, he then left her, in tears.

Her muffled cries echo around the empty hallway, calling onto her familiar; Amyas

"Nya?! Lady Elizabeth?! Why are you crying?! Who did this to you?!" It asked, caressing your cheeks with its soft paws "Ah! i get it! Its Divus Crewel"

hearing the man's name, your face even more darken. Yes, it's true that it's forbidden. Yet, her heart can't stop beating for him that it can't let her sleep without medicine.

nodding, her cat smiled. "If that so, I'd gladly help your majesty!" wiping your tears, Elizabeth looked at Amyas with her usual cute yet gentle smile. "thank you Am-chan~!" she exclaimed, hugging her cat

~~~~Next day~~~~

walking by Epel and her cat, as usual, all of the eyes are set to her. Not because she's noble, but instead, she is all small and not to mention, very cute!

"Ah, sensei. Good morning!" Leaving Epel and Amyas' side, she went to the teacher's side and greeted him. Which he did return with a pat and smile. That only lasted for minutes though. "Lady Elizabeth, let's head to class. We'll be late" says Epel who grabbed you by the arm, dragging you to your classroom (Always happen)

Getting ready for the first subject of the day that is 'Alchemy' Wearing the lab coat, gloves, and goggles, Elizabeth fleed the classroom and went to the Alchemy room.

out there Divus is also getting ready. As the first one to enter the room, he usually asks for help but in truth, he's just lazy. "Elizabeth, can you help me bring this in the guidance room for a bit?" pointing at the books, you just blushed and then nodded.

upon entering the room, the door behind the two of you closed. By the next seconds, you heard a 'click'. Even Crewel flinched. Dropping the books in the table he then checked if it really is locked, to his surprise, it is. Elizabeth just remembered that the door itself is magical, and can be only locked outside, meaning to say, her cat, is the one who locked it

"Nice one Amyas!" she thought. Remembering not to smile and act innocently "Uh.. sensei... what's wrong?"

without any hesitation, he answered like this: "We're locked in."

Trying to kick the door, It doesn't have any effect, neither magic didn't work. "Elizabeth, do you have your phone with you?"

"Sorry Sensei... I left it on my bag..."

He 'tsk' ed that you already felt responsible and guilty about this. "sensei...I-"

"what?" he replied, glaring at you.

"I-I'm sorry..." Yet, he just mumbled another 'tsk' and sat down into a seat, crossing his legs. While Elizabeth only stood up there, staring at the door. "Little pup, take a seat." he ordered.

Doing what he said, you took a seat in the opposite of his. "Good girl. Suited to become my little pup indeed." Smiling, he leaned in closer and gave you a pat as a reward, which you really liked. Taking his seat once again, he called onto you "Elizabeth"

"Yes, sensei?

"I had enough of your Confessions. It's annoying"

hearing the sudden statement, her heart almost got stabbed a thousand times that it made her tear up.

He just watched Her, Watched her tearing up with a smirk on his face

minutes have passed, she's still tearing up without stop as her muffled cries echoes the room where they're locked in. By the time, he felt already guilty that it's time to free his sadistic side. Standing up from his seat, removing the crimson red gloves. Then went in front of her brushing her tears away with the gentle touch of his two hands

As he did, he gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and hugged her. This closeness of them, they can already hear each other's breath and smell each other's scent.

snuggling on his chest, she already calmed down. While caressing your back, He then says "Elly, That's it. I give up on you. I like you too"

It took time for that to manifest on her mind, almost that she cannot understand it. "Sensei, can you repeat that?" she says as she distanced herself, breaking the hug

Chuckling, he answered, "Wrong, puppy Elly. Call me by name from now on, my little Crewel. And, about what I have said earlier if you didn't hear it, I'll take it back, got it?"

"does... that mean... We're already a couple, Se- I mean, Divus?"

"Mhm. In secret though, Elly"

ruffling her hair, he then leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips. Letting him in, Divus shoved his tongue into her mouth. While her, starving for more kisses, she snaked her arms to her neck pulling him onto her.

breaking the kiss, she buried her face on his chest. As the last kiss, he gave him one on the head. For the first time in his lifetime, he blushed, having his first and the last love in life.

scoping her, good thing that there's a couch in the room, where they just ended up resting, Her on his lap, mumbling something on her sleep. Playing with her hair, he rested his head on the top of his palms. On which they ended up sleeping there.


As she checks the papers of her students with her husband, She then asked with her usual smile "Remember that, Honey?"

"hm? What about, My dear?" Raising a brow when he faced his wife, he lets out a confused expression

"When we got locked in the guidance room and then the dean found us together there. We ended up lying to him~"

"Ah, that. When I told him 'she felt nauseous ever since we got locked in by someone. I let her sleep on my lat because there's no pillows in sight' that brings back memories"

chuckling when they talked about their past while checking their student's exams and projects, They just can't help to fall in love even more, even if they indeed started with a forbidden relationship.

Even if they faced hardships, at least, they lived in their own home now. Still, the memories linger around their workplace which they found each other's feelings to one another.

It cannot be erased, And will not be erased

by anyone who will pass these places 

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