(READER INSERT) Jade Leech x Reader x Floyd Leech

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(I did my best. Sorry if it's not to your liking)

Requested by: Lievette_

~~~~~~~~(Note: "Ko" means "small" and "ebi" means "shrimp". Therefore, Koebi literally means Small shrimp.)~~~~~~~~~

"Jade-senpai! Jade-senpai!" Y/n called out. Though, he wasn't looking back. Trying again, she called for the other name "Floyd-senpai!"

This time, Jade faced. But he's in an unusual state. "Ah~! Koebi-chan~!" he playfully sang with his usual 'deep' voice

"Eh? Jade senpai? what's wrong? Did you hit your head?" with full of confusion, she almost had a headache.

"Jade? I'm Floyd though"

"Ha...? Please don't confuse me Jade-senpai. I know your differences. And, I don't have a time for pranks-"

"Floyd!" Being cut by the sudden voice from you back, It seemed that it was Floyd who called. Shaking his twin brother's shoulder, "Didn't I told you to leave the laboratory? I've been looking for you for ages!" Floyd says with his cheery voice.

"Wha...t? Ah uh... what's happening here...?" Even more confused, you almost fainted, inspecting their looks.

"Sorry about that, Y/n-san" Floyd says but copying Jade's usual way of talking. "Well, you see~ We got switched this morning~! We asked the teachers for possible remedy and now, they're working on it~. I got bored waiting there so I went here."said Jade who's actually Floyd in the inside.

"Tha- That's... gonna confuse me...! Uh... can you place a name tag for now?" asking them, but they just let out their usual chuckle though, their tones doesn't fit them well because they switched bodies.

The real Floyd that's on Jade's body smirked at you. "What if i don't wanna? Just all us by name. The opposite of our faces now. Hum... me on Jade's body is Floyd, so call me Floyd, as usual, ~ And, And! On my body, Jade's on it so call him the usual, Jade!"

"That's confusing... uh... Floyd-senpai... right?"

"That's right Koebi-chan~!" Floyd cheered. But Jade's deep tone makes his cheering amusing that you giggled slightly, now confusing them. "I almost forgot. Azul-senpai told me to pass a message to you." She cleared her throat and looked at Jade "Floyd-san, there's a contract-breaker who ran away. " then, looking at Floyd, "Jade-senpai, Crewel is looking at you. I'm sure they already know about this but please go."

earning a nod from them, they fleed. You also joined your group in the garden who were the Heartslabyul duo: ADeuce and the Wild beast, Grim-sama as how he calls himself. After receiving a useless scolding from Ace, Deuce only sighed in the sight.

"Ugh... I wish they'll become normal soon. This is confusing damn it" you said while harvesting some poisonous flowers, not far from Deuce "Language, Y/n"

"English, yeah?"

"tsk" ing, he left you in that section. Obviously stressed. Holding back your laughs, you then asked Deuce for forgiveness. Careful not to break the friendship of yours.

"oi Y/n, i carve for canned tuna! Gimme some tonight!"

"No. We're going to help at the Monstro lounge tonight. Ask Azul, not me"

"Just saying their names reminds me how I suffered that time ya'know"

"Now, now. Stop meowing. Let's finish this and go back. Ace, Deuce, let's continue this tomorrow morning if possible." Though they already darted away. Taking your bag with you "Grim, let's go back" saying this, you also scrammed

wearing the given uniform to you by them, you started to help out. Taking orders from here and there, luckily, you've been used to such works. Grim is helping at the kitchen so you're separated for now. Working non-stop, worrying that the dorm leader might scold you.

"Y/n. Your shift has ended." One of the Octavinelle members said. "Let me work a little bit more. There's a lot of customers after all." You excused, making them smile. "Is that so? Thanks again for your hard work"

Taking another plate to serve, the twins whom you're looking for has showed up. Floyd in Jade's body is wearing his twin's uniform in a messy way and Jade in Floyd's body is clothed formally well. Because of this, they looked like they're on their own body. Not to mention, their faces are similar. Adjusting a little bit could make them themselves in a minute.

the only problem is... their tone.

To think that Jade is saying something Floyd would say with his deep voice and Floyd is saying something polite. They definitely confuse and scare some of the customers because of this.

"Hehe... to think that the students are more afraid of you two" Not used at the sight, It's impossible that they would just switch bodies without doing anything

"What did you just said?" Jade says with Floyd's tone.

"Nothing~ Nothing~ Ah, the remedy?" you asked.

"Crewel-sensei already handed it to us. We'll be back to our normal selves tomorrow for sure." Jade responded. Taking the dirty dishes away to be cleaned up. "Is that so? I'm looking forward for tomorrow. Look for me in the morning, I'm going to give you two something... not too much... I guess?"

and again, the work of yours continued while watching the twins with full of amusement and a smile creeping in your face.

~time skip bc I'm out of ideas ToT~

"Koebi-chan Koebi-chan~! We're back, We're back~!" with a forceful hug given to you by Floyd and a pat in the head by Jade, "Y/n-san, thank you for your hard work last night. Shall we have a meal together?"

"With Grim, too?"

"Yes" they both answered in sync.

"Are you two really back?"

"Yes" they both answered again, now with their usual smile. "Y/n-san, What are you going to give by the way?" Jade asked.

"Ah... that..." cheeks tinted red, you asked them so lower down. "Close your eyes... please..."

The moment they obeyed your requests, you looked at your surroundings and gave them a kiss in both cheeks making them flinch. "It's okay now" you said, then continuing.

"Welcome back to your normal selves, Jade, Floyd"

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