>>READER INSERT<< Divus Crewel x teacher!reader

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Requested by RavenWantsToGoHome

This request of theirs seemed to be spicy and this chapter might not be to your liking because of my shitty way of writing.

Sorry for that, readers


Spring has came and a new semester will begin.

Students were summoned by the dark mirror from every Countries, counting 200 of them all. Plus, another teacher was welcomed by many, not to mention, it was a girl, namely Y/n L/n.

This lady teaches Music and Arts. And due to her beauty and kindness, no one seemed to skip her class, Including Leona Kingscholar who always skips and just attends the exams. She also doesn't have the guts to fail a student so... (Every student: Hail Ms. L/n!!!)

Ever since then, Divus Crewel lusted for her, Wishing Y/n is his and vice versa. He also changed bit by bit. Every time her name is mentioned, he'll lose concentration and freeze on the spot while his eyes are widened.

However, Ms. L/n is way too close to the headmaster, Dire Crowley.

His heart long shattered into pieces after hearing those two sharing an "I love you"(s) and smiles so sweet to each other.

At the school's forest he go, Taking deep breathed to relief his stress from the troublesome works and student, A gentle humming rang his ears , It's also calming to ones mind. Who might that be?

He hid from the nearby tree, carefully peeking at where does that sound came from. Is it a student of pomefiore or something? But no!

The one who's making those sweet melodies is Ms. L/n and beside her is... Dire Crowley again, sleeping peacefully in the tree surrounded by greens. Watching her caressing the man's dark hair carefully, he bit his lips from jealousy.

The humming came into a full stop, "Who's there?" She nervously looked at the trees. "Show yourself, I won't hurt you, I promise."

Divus sighed deeply before he showed himself upon her. "Oh, Mr. Crewel, May I know why are you here?" She politely asked. The animals left so fast after offering some wild flowers to the lady "My, What an intelligent animals they are..."

"Your singing brought me here" A simple answer was the thing she received and that made her sorrowful heart ache more. She didn't came to accept that he was just there because of her voice, not her heart, Oh dear...

"i-is that so..." She blushed slightly, then poked Crowley's cheeks. "cous, Wake up."

"Wait what? Cous? Cousin? Nickname?" That certain words didn't came to register on Crewels mind. He creased his forehead, needing more of their sentences to connect the dots, for the sake of his curious mind.

Crowley yawned, spreading his arms like wings. He gave Y/n a peck on the cheek then smiled, "Thanks for waking me up, cous. I think I need to... finish something on my desk"

He misunderstood the whole thing! They are cousins and nothing more than that. Crowley soon faded away after bidding a goodbye, leaving those two without another word.

"Cousins?" Y/n nodded. Crewel face palmed on the mistake he has made. He should've asked beforehand.

Y/n stood up, brushing the grasses away on her black skirt. "I think we should go back. Classes will start soon" She says, passing on Crewel's side with her heart beating too much.

Before she could go, he grabbed her by the wrist, forcing her to stop and look at him straightly in the eye. "Ms. L/n, are you... free afterschool?"

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