(READER INSERT) Malleus Draconia x fem!reader

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Req by: KellieChan83

thank you very much for your support and request! Your message made me smile UwU


"that human... is interesting" he says, shocking the people around him "My, My...Malleus, who might that person be?" asked Lilia who is sitting beside him. Without even replying, he just smiled remembering her smile

Taking his usual night stroll, he goes to the abandoned building that is now being used by certain people. Going around it, he sees a new flower garden that is nicely kept. Smiling at the view, he saw one of his favorite flower "That human really... never fails to surprise me''

Gazing at the night's sky, he wondered "I wonder, what is her name"

"Aah! Tsunotaro!" giving his attention to the familiar voice he's heard, he gave out a gentle smile as he faced her "Prefect, why are you out again late at night?"

"Ooh... I saw someone at my garden so..." playing with her hands, she answered while looking at the ground.

seeing her looking so flustered, his heart skipped a beat. He even felt his cheeks flustered "what is this feeling...? my chest hurts" he thought.

moving his right hand to cover his mouth, he then mumbled "Have a good night. I have to leave now..."

passing by her side, making his heart beat faster, the girl then said "Tsunotaro!"

"Hm?" turning his back to hers, she tucked her side bangs behind her ears, shyly looked at her, and says "I heard earlier that... you're wondering what's my name and I... um... Sorry for not introducing myself... I am Y/n L/n"

a smile crept on his face hearing her beautiful name which fits her so much. Deciding to do introduce himself, his smile faded. "I should also introduce. I'm Malleus Draconia"

she went silent, like what he expected. She will stop meeting me now, She'll avoid me but...

"Your name is so familiar! I wonder why but... I like your name too!" approaching the man, she clasped her hands to his. "I won't call you Tsunotaro anymore."

his eyes soften, again, his heart is out of control,

that face of hers, that smile, I want to protect that. No matter what happens

Closing the distance, he hugged Y/n. Holding the back of her head, making her head rest on his chest. She did flinch, but as time passes, she became comfortable and even lost track of time.

"Y/n..." sniffing her hair, he gave her a kiss in the forehead. "You'll catch a cold if you'll stay out for so long."

breaking the hug, which he really regret to do, he can't help it. He doesn't want her to get sick.

that ended their second meeting...




Coming back at his Dorm, Diasomnia. Locking the door behind him, He put a hand on his forehead. "Just... what is this feeling anyway...?"

"Oho...? Malleus is finally grown up, isn't he? Seeing a girl before sleeping~"

not even shocking him a little bit, Lilia is walking around his ceiling AGAIN. Which made him used to him "How did you know about that?"

"*chuckles* that aside, how does it feel?" He's not that dense. He already knows what is his supervisor is talking about

"Hot... and My chest even hurts. What is this anyway?" he asked.

smiling at the horned man, he answered "It's your first time anyways... That girl sure is lucky, isn't she? Straight at the point, It's love, Malleus."


"Yes. Oh, look at the time. Sleep Malleus." avoiding that for a while, he then unlocked the door room and left him. Sighing, he doesn't want to give his elders trouble, he slept soundly, Dreaming about the girl he wanted.

~ the next day~

As if he isn't existing, People didn't even bother talking to him, Now that he is away from his gang. Going somewhere that people don't bother to visit around the campus, he chose the forest.

choosing the biggest tree there, he sat down. Not minding the scent of pastry he's smelling.

closing his eyes and crossing his arms at the back of his head "I can relax n-"

"Ah! Tsu- I mean, Malleus!"

A certain voice was heard close to him, Very close. There Y/n was, sitting at his side eating a pastry. That does connect the dots.

turning at his side, facing her, he says "what are you doing here?"

"hm... Grim might steal my food so I ran here!"

"hum... cheeky, indeed."

"that being said, Grim you mean, the cat that is always at your side?" she nodded.

handing an untouched, wrapped pastry, she talked while munching her food "bwhant shome?'

chuckling, he accepted the food. Noticing that there are some pastry crumbs at the side of her lips

"excuse me" he said as he holds her shoulders and leaned into her face. Licking the crumbs on her face. "Mhm. Delicious."

Dumbfounded, Y/n just turned red analyzing what he has done. Gulping, she stared at the man who is now sitting down. Unwrapping the pastry made by the girl, He gave it a bite.

"hm... I like the crumbs more from your face. It's way tastier, Y/n. Or should I say, you're way more delicious than this"



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