>>READER INSERT<< Leona Kingscholar x Reader (Part 2)

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Continuation of Camille_Edelweiss' request


The very next day...

You felt lazier than usual as you woke up. Thinking that today is Sunday, you proceed to sleep without any care. It was a little weird feeling such numbness in your whole body. Being a stubborn girl you are who only acts like a good one in public, you hugged the pillow given to you by Leona, thanking the gods because your twin didn't enter your room just yet.

As you heard the door being opened with a soft creak, you didn't move out of your bed. Instead, you covered your body with a blanket before hugging the body pillow tighter than ever. 

"Y/n, wake up. You can't skip school" You knew it was him, after all, that strict voice of his probably can wake a dead person. Oh well- "I wanna skip school today... I feel soooo numb...!"


whose voice was that?

"...Y/n, stop fooling me with that voice changing potion" pulling the blanket that's covering you, You couldn't match his strength at all. "What the heck, brother... I told you I feel so numb. I don't wanna go to school!" pouting like so, Vil only stared at you blankly as he dropped the blanket on the floor. "Hey, Vil? Are you o--"


almost biting your tongue in surprise, you felt nervous. What does he mean by 'what happened to you?' while looking at you as if he saw a damn creepy ghost. Tilting your head in confusion, you [lazily] got up from the bed and looks at the mirror

"Eh...? Who is this guy?" knocking on the glass, you giggled softly. "Today isn't April one you know, Vil. Stop pranking me, will you?" You sighed. 

Deep inside, you knew that this isn't a joke anymore. You regret not asking about the bad effects of the wishing flower, and now, everything has gone wrong. Without looking at your lower half, you've decided to accept the reality. However, there's another problem in this case. "...I need boy's clothes..."

About to cry in embarrassment because you were a tall and muscular guy wearing a nightgown now, plus,  that thingy down there is hard. Knowing that morning wood is normal with men, you took a deep breath. You need to get used to this kind of thing especially when there's a possibility that you won't become normal ever again. 

"Tell me, Y/n," Vil says, patting your shoulder. "Why did you turn into something like that?" Calmly asking that question, he tried his best to calm you down. You did turn into a guy with the same features as your twin brother and that's better than turning into a macho guy. That'll look very weird especially when you always walk beside Vil every time both of you enter the campus.

"I... I don't know" You're in an actual mess but you still have the guts to lie. "I don't know, like, really. I swear."

You bit your lips as the memory of you sneaking out of the dorm and rushing towards the 'certain place' thanks to Lilia's suggestions. "Alright, I need to let the headmaster know about this and give you a uniform since there's still an hour and a half before the classes start."

Vil left the room like so, and you opened your phone to take some photos. That's for, you know, remembrance of your deep mistakes in case you turn normal one day. "How can I face Leona now...?" you sighed. "Good luck to myself, I guess"




what such an unfortunate day it is...

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