>>READER INSERT<< Epel Felmier x Brat!Reader (Lemon)

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Requested by: Nutty_Bootar2

"Stop it, Y/n!!" Annoyed of how you tease him like, everyday, he finally raised his voice and shows who he really is.

Bo matter how cute he looks like, Epel only wanted to become as muscular as Ashton Vargas or Jack Howl and be called 'handsome'

"Oh~? So this my cute little Epel can raise his voice too? That's interesting!" Not showing any sign of discomfort of how tight he is holding your wrists up above your head, you smirked, betting the he won't do vulgar things. "You still look sooooo.... Cute~" As you winked at him, An irk mark appeared on his temples.

No matter how annoyed he is before, he tried to hold back. Why? It's because you're a girl. But he also have limits. And because of that, he needed to... Make you learn a very important lesson on his bed~

"...you, brat. Why won't ya stop, huh?" Without any care, he revealed his real accent to you. Sneaking onto his room late at night, good thing that his roommates were out to sleepover at their friends' dorms.

He licks his lips, he pressed it to yours roughly. Epel is a man too, they know those vulgar things especially when they're alone with a girl at night.

Epel ripped your night gown open with his unbelievable strength, groping your breast for you to gasp and taking that opportunity to shove his tongue inside your mouth, exploring thoroughly your wet cavern like how he wanted it so much.

"Nghn...~!?" Pushing him with all of your might, he didn't even budge. You secretly enjoyed the feeling of pleasure, but for the sake of your lustful soul, you keep on pushing him away lightly. In this way, he might fuck you senselessly until you won't be able to walk the next day... maybe.

"Tsk..." He clicked his tongue as he grabbed your right wrist. "Stop pushing me away. I know y'ar loving this"

He's indeed correct about that. Leaning in to kiss your neck, he bit a spot and licks the blood off. Such a masochist you are, the pain became pleasure within seconds.

Your panty was drenched by your pre-cum. He's very good at touching you, it's almost he already did it with someone else. Yet, deep inside, you can still remember the moment you asked him if he's a virgin and he says 'yes', causing you to tease him everyday ever since that day.

"E-Epel... No...~!" You moaned out. Tears of pleasure rolled down on your cheeks when you tugged on the sheets.

He flicks your clit with his tongue, making you gasp. It made you lose your mind when he finally shoves his tongue in your loose hole, because of masturbating, and moaning his name if every time you did.

"Going into my room without wearing your undies... How lewd, Y/n..." At last, he inserts two of his fingers in your wet core. Before he could thrust it, you climaxed. You didn't care less, being punished by him is the best.

However... "Hmph" he didn't care either. His fingers went deeper til it reaches your special spot, abusing it til you become numb.

The sensual noises which keeps on escaping from your lips, all of it were music to his ears. Be grateful even if you're so fucking annoying, he has a crush on you *wink wonk*

Epel curls his fingers inside you, thrusting it faster as your hole became more loose. Inserting the third finger, he holds your left leg and fingers you mercilessly.

"You're such a bitch" he mumbled this but you didn't mind it. Smirking evilly, he knew you're going to cum again.

'I'm only acting like this because of you, Epel'

...He stopped before you could.

Pulling out his fingers, he licks his fingers covered with your juices. Discarding his pants and boxers infront of you without any care. Acting shy wouldn't help right now. He wanted to feel good too and he's been wishing for it for so long.

Not giving any warning, he inserts his member inside you. Epel didn't give you any chance to adjust to his size, because why would he? This is your punishment, my dearest(s) :p

"Fuck...~!!" To think that he's fucking you rawly, you're already drowning in pleasure. The real one feels better than the dildo you've ordered online. You can't help it, horniness do really hit you hard.

He groaned, lifting your legs and rests it on his shoulders to go deeper. "Y-You're so tight and... w-warm...~!" Drooling, he's also about to lose his mind. Sex feels so good, he might impregnate you if he pounded your pussy

Oops, he forgot about the condom-

Yes he did, Epel did it in purpose.

He bit his lips, rubbing your clit and fucking you as if there's no tomorrow. He may not admit it, he really is thankful that you came into his room. "E-Epel... Mghn...~!!" Feeling him hit your g-spot, your moans became louder. "T-There...! Fuck me there, p-please!!" You begged him til your eyes watered again. Cheeks tinted red, your true colors showed up.

It's no use to hide how horny you are. Like him, You've been wishing for this to happen.

"I-I'm gonna...-!" Ejaculating his seed in your womb, he panted. You cummed after he did and you're already tired.

Maybe doing this sinful things in the afternoon is better? To find out the truth, it's better to try it instead of asking people.

"Tired already? Heh, so weak" he grins smugly. "We're just starting ya know..."

It'll be a very long night til he'll be satisfied. He's ready to try many things to you this night. And that's because... You and him are the only ones who were in the four-bed dorm room


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