>>READER INSERT<< Malleus Draconia x Reader

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Requested by: AyanamiAyumi


"Why didn't I notice...?"

He have been suffering a lot without telling it to anyone he cares for, since he's scared that he might lose them in a fraction of second.

"Malleus, please...!" His guards, Sebek and Silver is on the ground, panting ever so heavily. With such power he possess, he can kill anyone who dared to approach him especially at this state. "Calm down!!" You yelled as you grabbed his wrist.

His emerald green orbs glowed on the sudden action. He has no control right now, that's for sure.


A single forceful push, You can feel a great pain in your whole body. Giving up right now is not good, he'll die if he keeps up like this! Every pain you feel right now isn't any better than what he always feels, this man in front of you always hide his sufferings with a gentle smile you always loved...

"I'll save you, Malleus...!"

You stood up, never minding your knee that has been bruised, skins that's been bleeding from multiple attacks of him, Including those little thorns and sharp stones that you can see anywhere outside the certain dorm.

Reaching your hand out to him, your tears flowed and started rolling down on your cheeks. "I-I'm sorry, Malleus... Please calm down now, okay...?"

Finally, he felt something. As your arms were wrapped on his neck, he accidentally stabbed your shoulder with the poisonous thorns he always kept.

"Y-Y/n...?" his senses came back little by little but you were asleep on his arms.

He too, cannot stand straightly any longer. Malleus' power was drained and his eyelids are getting droopy. Smiling when he recognized it was you, he hugged back then let the hardness of the ground welcomes his back as he fainted with you...

...while feeling a great regret




Needle bounded with curse, leaving the princess to fall asleep for years. And the only way to undo this is a true love's kiss. How laughable...

...However, it wasn't a needle that made Y/n fell into a deep slumber. It was thorns bounded with black magic. Solution was unknown which caused Malleus go panic when he finally woke up days ago. Silver and Sebek are well too, thanks to Lilia's help.

And now, you are lying on a free room of the dorm. Wounds are tended well, bruises are long gone too. The only problem is... how can you wake up? Do they need a true love's kiss?

"Young master Malleus, Trying won't hurt so, why not?" Lilia raised a brow while staring at Malleus. He's been caressing your cheeks every time he visits, wanting to try it. But, he's actually terrified.

If you didn't wake up with his kiss, does that mean you don't love him back? No, no, no. Maybe it's because a kiss wasn't the solution!

"Lilia, I can't." The prince answered bluntly. Orbs staring at your soft lips waiting to be kissed, Oh how he wished to press his lips to those, also marking you as his- "Ehem!" he blushes.

"darn... why is he taking so long anyway? Y/n is waiting!" Lilia watched every of his movement, expecting him to do it already.

"Young master Malleus, I bet that Y/n feels the same" Silver says, suppressing his sleepiness. "She keeps on talking about you when she hangs out with her friends, including us when you're not present"


Lilia facepalmed and the others inside to the room became silent, yes, they did. "Ah, aah... The acting is ruined!" the eldest sighed. "You should've acted until he already kissed you!"

"Ehehehe... s-sorry...?" Sweat dropping, you faced Malleus. "Uh... F-forgive me...?"

His expression was darken when he stared back at you. "Good acting, human" an irk mark is visible on his forehead when he continued. "Who planned this?"

Lilia pointed you and you pointed him, making Malleus confused. That was actually Lilia's plan because you bought something up (LOL). And the curse was broken by a simple magic that Lilia performed.

"Sebek, Silver, let's head outside. Y/n will have her punishment from our great young master because I don't lie at all~" dragging the two without waiting for their answer, the door was shut closed, leaving the two inside the room.

"Um... Malleus? I-I didn't mean to- Oh, I mean... um... Lilia planned this! He's definitely lying!" When you averted your gaze, you heard a tongue clicking beside you. "Oh god, I'm dead..."

"Y/n, look at me." A simple statement escaped his mouth and you obeyed it. You are afraid of what will he say or what'll he do. Will he slap you? Or maybe curse?! "Oh shit, I'm really dead"

He took this chance to press his lips to yours rough yet passionately. His gloved hand went to the back of your head, pulling you closer to his hold. "Mhnm...~!" A moan escaped your mouth as he shoved his tongue in, exploring your wet cavern thoroughly.

You gave in without hesitation, letting him do whatever he wishes. You kissed back greedily, feeling that warm breaths of his. Drool went rolling down from each other's chin as when the kiss become heated and... getting out of air, sadly.

Breaking the kiss, the two stared at each other's blushing faces with its half-lidded eyes. They panted heavily, catching some air.

"M-Mal... haah... hah..." you looked down, as if bowing to him. "I'm... really sorry..." Yet the blush in your cheeks became redder and redder as you tried to say the magical three words.

"I love you" the two of you says in sync. Sharing another peck on the lips, they showed each other a sweet smile to feed one's eyes. Who knows if they'll step into the next level later? Sheesh, lock the door first, Y/n!


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