(READER INSERT) Leona Kingscholar x Reader

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req by YaralissaXOXO

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"Don't you think you should work on that little roar of yours?"

gulping, she answered "E-eh? but I'm a cat..." yet the king of savanaclaw still faced his back to her. Raising her hand, she then shaped her hands into paws before saying "Like this? ...Roar...?"

In the right timing, he faced her like that, as if an idiot. Are there cats that can roar?

He just laughed as he sat down in the ground "What's this? wild cat or an idiot? I bet you misunderstood me, little Herbivore"

"H, herbivore? I'm omnivore..."

"Tsk, Who cares? I want to call you herbivore so shut up. I want to sleep" Standing up, he patted her head before leaving. Finding another spot in the garden to sleep.

Still giggling and smiling, lying down in the pathway beside the flowers, he drifted to his dreams.


"Really... what is he thinking? I don't get that guy"

"Hm? who do you mean?" asked Jack, while eating his food. Along with the others; Grim, Ace, Deuce, and Epel gave their attention to you, Actually curious

"The dorm leader. Leona Kingscholar"

choking on their food, Grim flinched. "Nnya?! You talked with that Leona?!

"uh... Yeah? Is there anything wrong about that?"

eyeing you, Jack says with a serious tone, letting his fangs out. "You'd better not approach that man again, Cousin"

"O-Okay... Got it" With her simple lies, Silence of their group again surrounded thee.

When the Bell rang, everyone stood up and readied themselves to go for their next class; Alchemy

"Okay pups, We'll have a joint class with class A. Choose your partners from opposite class and be sure that you're using Lab uniform," Crewel says, flipping through the pages of the certain book on his table. "Listen up puppies! turn your books to Page 51, Activity 4. Make the Voice changing potion. Pass it to me until 3:00 this afternoon. Those who won't pass it, will have their punishment and required to make 50 Pages report about this potion back to back. Got it?"

The students who has chosen the partners proceeded to the garden to take the ingredients needed. "Epel, let's split these so we could finish harvesting fast."

"Mhm. Sure!" Having each other's basket in hand, you went to the Flower section, taking nectar. Not noticing the tip of the tail of the certain lazy lion who's still sleeping

His eyes shot open from the pain, especially, she's using pointed heels. "ACK--!"

pulling the leg of that person, he got even more shocked when he saw the face of the suspect. Y/n L/n, indeed. The silent yet annoying cat

Growling at her not minding that she's lying on the ground feeling pain from her back "Aren't you feeling sorry huh?!"

"L-Leona Senpai?! G-Guh... Please don't eat me, Don't hit me. I'm busy right now! Just hit me after school all you want!" she demanded, crossing her arms towards her face, tightly closing her eyes as she did

"Hit? Hmph! You'd better meet me here after school and get ready if you're really sorry that is."

Dropping your arms to your sides, you sighed out of relief. Still slightly nervous about what do he mean by 'get ready'. Is she going to receive beatings? Is he going to torture her? Is he going to step on her tail too?

A bunch of questions left her silent. Getting into her senses, she gathered the nectars that is on the ground with the basket. The moment she turned to her back, He wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Another sigh yet scaped her mouth, leaving that section and rushing to where her partner is. Of course, minding her pace, not making her skirt fly up

seeing the small figure standing in front of the cactuses, Y/n called onto him. But instead, she received scolding from the Pomefiore student. "Geez! What took you so long?! Do you want a punishment from Crewel-sensei, you brat?!"

"E-Epel... Calm down, calm down, Okay? I'm sorry. I got caught into something." Bowing repeatedly, his expression didn't change at all. He still glared at you like an insect

Sweatdropping, when he began to walk out of the garden, you just followed him like a duckling, looking in the ground. Feeling in fault





In the end, everything turned out good. The potion was passed, receiving praise from Crewel. Even Epel and you already get along after that.

Taking your bag from your classroom, you straightly go to that section.

Looking at your surroundings, being careful not to step on anything. Finding him unusually sitting down and leaning into the empty metal racks

He quickly tracked you with his sharp senses. Ears tingling, you approached the man

"uh.. Leona-senpai...?"

Patting the ground beside him, you didn't even tried to throw him some questions. following his orders, you sat down beside him.

"You'd better come prepared, did you?" he asked, earning a nod from you. He smiled and in some seconds, he rested his head in your thighs. "Shut up and let me sleep."

after that shocking moment, Y/n felt her cheeks burning red when his soft, silky hair brushed her exposed skin, Wearing skirt really is helpful, isn't it?

Hearing his shallow breaths as he sleeps, Even his Ears and face has softened. His self-guard is all low, Not to mention, his face looks so innocent unlike how it is when he's awake.

Brushing his hair with your hands carefully, not to wake up the lazy lion. "Hehe..." laughing, taking your phone out and not hesitating to take few pictures

"if you're just nicer than how you are, I should've already confessed to you"

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