>>READER INSERT<< Azul Ashengrotto x Reader

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Requested by: Twilight_Justice


It was very unexpected.

You felt a deep regret for not following Crewel's instructions. Instead of making a magical potion that'll make bitter foods become sweet, you made a very big disaster.

Azul turned into a child, but not just that. He turned into how the twins described 

A cute, chubby octopus Azul that you wanted to hug like a pillow, yes, it matched perfectly to their statements. "A-Azul...?" You said, trying to pat him. Too bad for you, he dodged your hand. 

Knowing to yourself that if the Twins found out about this, it's the end for you and Azul.  The other students didn't know what Azul really looks like in the past so they thought it was a side effect of the potion. You foolishly sighs in relief for that.

"Oh gods, what have i done?" You memorized all of the ingredients of it so you quickly opened the  potions book. Finally knowing your mistake, you were actually looking the the other side of the book instead of the thing you must follow. Facepalming, you took off your lab coat then uses it to cover Azul. 

"Hey, Lil' Azul" He didn't budge. "I will cook you if you won't listen to me, okay?" Saying this in an innocent tone, he was still scared. The little one seems to remember all of his memories. "D-Don't cook me...!" the boy sobs. It was very uncool for him to trust you so much that he drunk the potion you made. "I will listen t-to you..." he silently cries. 

"oh..." going near him, you used your handkerchief to wipe his tears. The octavinelle's dorm head took the cloth from you and wipes his tears, then averting his gaze.

Sighing, you wrapped his whole body with the coat. "I'm going to carry you back to my dorm. I'll just deal with the teachers once you're back to your normal self" gathering his clothes too, you carried him without hesitation. He was heavy but you needed to resist it, after all, you're the one who caused this. 

tugging on your clothes, he wasn't that naughty to take the chance to touch your breasts. He bet you'll yeet him if he did. Cheeks tinted red, he calms down a little. Azul has his eyes closed, not making any eye contact with anyone they passed by. 

...he didn't realize he fell asleep on your arms without your permission.

You giggled softly watching his innocent looking face. Even if he's chubby, he still looks cute. Having him lie down on your bed wasn't really that easy since his tentacles was wrapping your arm. Nevertheless, you didn't mind at all.

"..." Silently reaching for his hair, you carefully played with it's strands. "I'm sorry, Azul... But you really are so cute" pressing your lips on his forehead, you didn't leave his side. You didn't have the guts to do so, feeling guilty if you really did leave him alone.

"Y/n...?" His eyes were slowly opening, peeking at your figure. Rubbing his eyes, he wrapped one of his tentacle on your wrist. "...I'm hungry" Azul pouted ever so cutely.

Thinking he was such an angel, you were shocked as he looked at you like this, Causing you to unhear his wishes.

Blinking multiple times, you took a deep breath. "W-What was that again? Can you please repeat it?"

"I'm hungry..." The little one repeated, pouting once again then punching your arm with all of his might, however, you didn't budge at all. "Aww~ you're so weak right now"

Teasing him like that, his cheeks turned red.

"Wait for me here, okay? I'll be back" you stood up after letting him know. You didn't really have plans to leave that room since he might feel lonely.

When you finally stepped out, little you didn't know... You left something important beside him and that was...-





"Mhn, it smells nice~" still frying anything good you can find in the refrigerator, you unconsciously fried lots of shrimps and potatoes.

"I bet he'll love these" smiling weirdly as if you're about to put poison in the food, you checked if the shrimps are already well cooked. Almost over cooking the whole thing, you quickly removed the shrimps out of the boiling oil then straining its excess oils. "Gosh... I wanna eat one"

Looking around, you picked a tempura and secretly eats it. "Woah... This is delish"

"What are you doing with my food?"

You felt an intense glare from behind. It was super surprising when you also noticed that he's back to his normal self. "Why are you eating it? That's mine!"

Hugging you from behind, he tilts your head for you to face him properly "Fufufu... How dare you keep secrets on me..."

Pressing his lips on yours, Azul forcibly shoves a tongue in, tasting the tempura in your mouth

"You..." As he breaks the kiss, he took your phone in his pocket. "I found out your secrets, darling~ you should set up a password next time, okay?"

Kissing you for the last time today, he hands you your phone and took the fried shrimps since the potatoes aren't cooked yet.

"I need to go back to my dorm, take care of yourself~"

Never had he known, he also left something in your room. He didn't think twice to leave tour dorm though, after all, he has his business in his own dorm.

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