(READER INSERT) Riddle Rosehearts x Tsundere!Reader

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Requested by: Yuki_Senpaiii

Author's message: I'm sorry to ruin the mood but there is a possibility that I might discontinue this book of mine. Reader Inserts and T.W n the lost Princess, yes. This Author is getting busier than ever. However, this isn't sure yet. That's all, my lovely supporters >_<;


Tsundere, That's what she is called, and that is true.

No matter how kind the person who's talking to her, she'll brush it off while flipping her hair like an 'Ojou-sama'

Walking in the hallway, "Ah there she is again..." A whisper made her flinch. She looked at that person and gave them a glare before walking again towards the certain room of her 'surprisingly' lover

Slamming the door open, Her heels clicked, "Where is Riddle?!" She shouted. No teacher was there, only the students of that class. "I'm here" He calmly responded, standing up from his seat and placing the alchemy book from his table.

"What is that you need again, darling?" Riddle asked with his arms crossed, eyeing his so-called girlfriend as the others just looked at them.

She blushed at the call-name "W-Wh-Wha?! Riddle, what the heck?!" Y/n exclaimed, looking away

'ah... how cute'

'not now, honey...'

Both of you thought. Shaking your head, "I-I need you to... I need you to help me with my studies! After school, see you!"

With that, she quickly fades away with her transportation magic. People on his surrounding didn't stop murmuring about them. Trying not to lose his control, he went back to his seat and read his book while imagining the smiles and things she tried to hide while they're together before. Riddle chuckled softly with his fingers touching his cheek

"... I just can't get enough of you, Y/n"


As requested, they met at the Library. Books needed are spread at their wide table, thankfully that there aren't many people there at the moment. The first pages of advanced history lessons were learned carefully. Riddle pointed out little mistakes, to the grammars and spellings on which she pouted and says "Hmph! I know!" knowing it was a lie, Riddle smiled secretly while flipping onto another page

Y/n's (h/c) locks kept on sliding her cheek, making it hard to read a little. His mouth shaped into an O, reaching out his hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. She quickly gazed at his orbs. "Wh-What was that for?!" though, Y/n didn't brush his hand off.

She's liking the gesture, for sure. It's just she cannot become honest about her own feelings, or maybe, embarrassed to do so. Y/n gave in for the first time, pouting as she places her hand above his and moving it to the top of her head while blushing "...Pat..." She mumbled

Riddle raised a brow, wanting to see more of this. "What did you say?" He lyingly asked.

"I-I said!" She paused, her eyes tearing up from embarrassment. "...Pat my head" this time, her voice clearer. The crimson-haired nodded in response, patting her head like what she wished.

Y/n purred like a cat asking for more, certainly not focusing on the book whom she is holding. "Study" a word came out from his mouth, Senses coming back to her.

Without hesitation, she brushed his hand away, burying her face on the pile of books. "S-Shut up, baka!" minding her loudness by the fact that they're on the school's library, she teared up.

"Idiot Idiot Idiot!" She once again says, wiping her tears away. Again, Riddle grabbed her wrists, signalling her to stop this action because it will only harm her eyes by rubbing them carelessly.

Curling his index finger, he gently brushed her tears away. His lip curved into a smile, continuously doing the same action

Until they forgot about the study session which is ongoing and locking their soft lips to each other. They broke the kiss when they needed air to breathe in, also greeting each other with her faces red, doing such a thing in a public place.

Y/n stands up, gathering the books and using magic to quickly bring them back from their respective shelves. Her eyes wide open, cannot blurt another word. Her lover is indeed confused, But she cannot stand this anymore and left the library leaving his alone, sitting by himself

Arriving in her room, stolen pictures are glued to the walls. A d.i.y Riddle plushie is on her bed, all so neat and cute. Plopping on her bed, she hugged this fluffy item, Also kissing it, hugging it tightly. "Riddle you..."

"You're so damn cute...!!!"

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