(READER INSERT) Trey Clover x Reader x Riddle Rosehearts |lemon|

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Req by: britt816

(I admit, this is the first time I made 3some so... pls bear with me uwu)


Having a late transferee? That's crazy. Especially, she is from the Royal Sword Academy.

Because of multiple times of breaking the uniform rule, Not participating school programs and some of her classes.

"Miss, please come in and introduce yourself." says the teacher who's waiting in front of the class. Many were furious about this. She's from Royal Sword Academy and of course, She's All so powerful. Everyone would hate her. That's what she thought but the moment she entered her new classroom,

"I am... Eh? Riddle?!"

"Mhm?! Y/n?!"

the two childhood friends from the past met once again. Clearing her throat, she fixed her posture. "I am Y/n Pinkaa. From the Royal Sword Academy. Hate me if you want, I'll hate you too, Yes I will."

While her eyes are glued to Riddle's, she Introduced herself. Like what she has thought, many are avoiding her.

~Break time~

Lunchtime, the two stayed with each other, introducing such things about the School. "Y/n. I heard what you've done back to that school. How about your brother?"

taking a bite of her dessert, the way that she swallows her food, Riddle almost suffocates staring the way she eats. "Ah, Che'nya-nii? he's all happy go lucky as usual. Ah, What class is Trey-nii in?"

turning his head to his left, there Trey is. What such a coincidence it is "Speak of the devil'

looking where his eyes turning, Trey seemed to be looking for someone. Riddle raised his hand as if to signal him where they are.

Proceeding towards you and Riddle, you stood up and gave him a hug. "Trey~!"

"E-Eh? Y/n?! aren't you in the Royal sword academy with Che'nya?"

"Poo... no fun! Ask Riddle, yes" Pulling the tall man by the arm, he sat beside you.

explaining all of the things you have done, you've received a countless scolding from them. Promising that you won't do it again, for the sake of her family's name. To lower the gloomy atmosphere, you took out a bag of preserved violets in sugar, giving these to the two

"I made it myself, help yourselves" you said. Letting Trey open up the bag containing his favorite treats. "Mhm...! Delicious!"

"My, thank you for your praise."

After some time chatting and laughing over the memories that we're blurted up again, Riddle says with a small smile "Say, Y/n. Do you have something to do tomorrow afternoon?"

"No. None. None at all. Yes"

"seriously? the way you talk didn't ever change." Trey commented as he took the last piece of the sweet.

slightly blushing, you fiddled your fingers under the table. Checking the time, it's almost class time once again. "Riddle, we should go now," you informed. Earning a nod from him. Bidding your goodbyes to the senior friend of yours, following Riddle behind his back going to the next class.


Like what you have agreed with your childhood friends yesterday, Heading to the Strict Dorm Leader's room which you're not even frightened with, Getting the permission to "come in" by the owner of the room truly, Entered the room, relaxed like how his Brother does

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