(READER INSERT) Scarabia x reader

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req by: @DP2810

ohohoho~ 3 more left~


"Y/n~ Y/n~ shop with me at the mall~ please?" Kalim begged you with his puppy eyes while Jamil is holding the back of his collar "your majesty, you can't. Your assignments are not y-"

"why not do it, Jamil?"

"your highness, that won't do. You should do your assignments at least and I'll let you go"

"that's right, Kalim-senpai. I can stay by your side while doing it" you said

cannot refuse the girl's request, he gave up and faked his cries. "damn you, Jamil..."

while Kalim made his assignment, Jamil and you chatted. He offered you his hand brewed tea. "this is delicious, senpai!" she complimented

"why, thank you, my lady"

"stop that senpai. Just call me Y/n or anything you want"

hearing their conversation made Kalim sick that he accidentally broke his pencil and look at his back, sending Jamil a glare that Jamil didn't even bother to stop their conversation with Y/n and smirking back at him.

"sorry your highness, but I won't lose to you- no, I won't let your hands on to my Y/n"

days have continued like that. Until, the Dorm leader and the Vice dorm leader began to avoid each other, wondering that with their own charms, who will Y/n choose among them?

Monday, lunchtime while you're with your gang, The noble boy approached you and said: "nee, Y/n~ can you come with me for a bit?" without letting you reply, he pulled you until you arrived at the garden.

"S-senpai... What's wrong?" out of breath, your hands lied at your thighs having trouble with breathing. "A-ah... I overdid it. Sorry about that!" his tone is as he doesn't care but he even escorted you to the nearest bench to rest.

checking his surroundings if there's someone watching he thought "Ehehe~now that we're alone, there's no going back, it's my very own chance!"

rubbing the back of his head, he asked "Y/n... do you have someone you like?"

"hm? ah... mhm... there is" you answered.

"whether who that person is..." the stood up and knelt in front of you. Taking both of your hands onto his, he continued "I will give you everything you want, Anything you grant. Choose me, I'll shower you with my unending love. Y/n, will you rule my country with me and be mine?"

with that blunt words of his, he kissed your hands making your cheeks heat up. "s-senpai... I..."

"-hate you"

"what..?" turning at where the voice came from, Jamil was actually watching you two in one side. "Y/n, the headmaster asked me to call you. Let's go."

having his own way, he look you gently by the hand and walks away with him, leaving the noble figure alone, dumb-founded.

"Jamil-senpai, why is that?" asking him, but he didn't answer. Instead, he kabe-don you in the nearby pillar. Closing the distance between you, you felt is warm breath brushing your neck making you shiver. He whispers, "I'm not letting that guy have his own way to you."

kissing your cheeks, he put a total distance between you and walked towards another way. "Senpai... ah uh.... The headmaster...?"

"that's a lie, Mi'lady~" sending a flying kiss to you, you were dumbfounded by his charms

"what was that all about?! they... they... they..." you screamed in your head, hiding the redness of yours by your hands.

"Oi you dumb human, what are you doing there? were going late!" Grim yelled over you, with Ace and Deuce by his side. "Prefect, you shouldn't skip your class," says Deuce.

calming yourself down, you let your hands off your face as you follow them through your next class

next day,

now you are being dragged into somewhere by Jamil. Noticing an empty classroom whose door is slightly open, He opened it up but a bucket of something fell down onto him

something? it is the thing that he dislikes: bugs. Even Earthworms are in it.

as the bugs then crawled onto his skin, he froze. Then, the suspect showed up, Kalim.

acting innocent, he said then removed some of it that is on his head"My, My, why are you so covered with those? If you won't move around, they might enter your ears~"

You hate slimy things, especially worms.

Kalim took you by hand this time again and ran off somewhere. Still fazed, she stopped her tracks

"Kalim-senpai... sorry but... I need to go. I can't skip class." you excused yourself and walked away

after the time of you being dragged onto this and that, you came with an idea. this time, you're the one who dragged Kalim somewhere and told him while holding his hand. "sorry senpai, but... the person I like is Jamil." she acted like she was sorry but deep inside, she's actually smiling. "N-no way... Y-Y/n..." leaving him as is, you ran towards Jamil and dragged him somewhere either.

"Jamil senpai... I'm sorry but... I like Kalim-senpai more..." faking your tears, even Jamil itself is shocked with this

"ehehehehe~ what such a nice choice I did~!"





~Scarabia Dorm~

the two leaders of the certain dorm faced each other. Like a death battle.

"She said that she likes you!" the two said in sync.

"HA?! She told me 'sorry, I like Jamil-senpai!' " Kalim answered

Jamil answered with an annoyed tone "she even told me that 'sorry, I like Kalim senpai!' "

they then realized... they were pranked by the girl they liked

"ah... what such a fool i am...Love can really make people dumb as they say" Jamil thought

"what such a sacrifice I did to myself just for loving her..." Kalim mumbled to himself

"This is the worst," they thought


meanwhile at the Ramshackle dorm....

"AHAHAHAHAHHA! You told that to them?! what kind of innocent-looking evil are you?" The gang laughs so hard when Y/n told them what she did.

"pfft- Maybe they would come back at you for revenge, ya'know" Grim said

"I don't think so! i think they already gave up~ hehe~" 

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