(READER INSERT) Savanaclaw x fem!Reader |slight lemon|

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req by: @DP2810

we're going to make something crazy here but I really dun know if they can fit ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) srsly?


"Prefect, Ace, and Grim we're being called by the Leech brothers at the Monstro Lounge." Deuce informed. "why is that? do they need us for something?" asked Grim. "i don't know either... Prefect, do you know about this?"

"no, sorry" she answered, slightly bowing her head. "we should be on our way now. Jade-senpai said that we should go now whatever the situation is."

and so, the four of them rushed to the hall of mirrors to bring them to the said place.

Opening the huge doors towards the meeting room as what the Leech brothers said, Shocking them, what has unfolded in front of them.

"why is everyone here?! And why is that huge closet out there?!" Grim says.

"Why did you bring a cat here? Laws of the Queen of hearts: no.23, one shall never bring a cat into a festival. You being a cat means you've broken the rule. I shall have you leave at once!" its an off with your head for Grim, and also kicked out of the room. Leaving him outside of the room but Jade offered him 20 cans of tuna, as he finished all of these, he fell into a food coma (LOL)

now that the crowd's noise got lowered, Azul stood up and says: "Ahem, now that all main dorm members are here, including the Ramshackle. Since the prefect's only companion has been kicked out, She's going to play as the Ramshackle dorm's representative. As you can see, there is a closet here. Is there anyone who knows what are we going to play?"

raising your hand you guessed "is it 7 minutes in heaven...?"

"My, my, you guessed right!" knowing what kind of game it is, Leona seemed to be liking it. "Oho... interesting"

"As you can see, I have now a box in hand, containing the names of your dorms~ fu fu fu~ I just realized that there is only one girl here. It makes me excited..."

as everyone looked at you, their eyes resembled hungry beasts fighting for the only prey that only one of the group can have

drawing 2 cards from the box, Azul smirked. But the moment he looked at it, his smugness disappeared and says... "Savanaclaw... and Ramshackle..."

"eh~ no fun~" Floyd commented.

playing fair, you stood up on your sit nervously. "hurry up you rat" Leona stated


clearing Azul's throat, he announced "Ahem, once you got into the closet, your 7 minutes in heaven will start"

entering the closet first, and the other 3 followed you. As Jade closed the doors of the closet, he mumbled "good luck" to you.

"this closet is surprisingly small inside. It seems that in judged the looks of this thing" someone said.

feeling numb, you moved for a little bit but ended up touching something. "wh-what is this...?" tracing it, Leona moaned out "th-that's my stomach..."

trying to remove your hands off him, he touched something else. "bouncy..." keeping on squeezing it, "Senpai, don't touch my breasts you pervert!!"

moving back, someone caught you... by the breasts once again. "Nn? what are these...?" covering your mouth, you let out lewd noises which made the boys inside hear it by their sharp hearings. Leaning on one side, your back feels something weird. It's like something is poking you in one side of your ass

slightly moving, you ended up rubbing yourself onto it, making Jack mewl. "I-I'm sorry!"


"that's quite a noise out there. I'm kinda curious what's happening there" Lilia stared at the closet while listening to the screams inside it

"their time will be finished up in some seconds...." Idia informed. as the alarm went on,

"Jade, open it up." Azul ordered.

opening the said closet, revealing the red-faced people inside it. Leona is still close to Y/n, Ruggie's hand is squeezing Y/n's breast while Jack for some reason... is blushing the hardest.

"let go of your hands off her already!!"

Vil covered his eyes as he did with Epel who's dumbfounded "Oh my virgin eyes Ugh!"

"Just how big is your you-know-what out there?! Y/n get out of those beasts home already!" Kalim said but he's actually amused of the sight






(sorry not sorry)

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