>>READER INSERT<< Malleus Draconia x Reader

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requested by: xXPiochinXx

"I-It hurts...!" Rubbing an area on your lower abdomen, you sobbed as the pain became too much for you to handle.

Malleus who was relaxing on the couch of the Ramshackle dorm was shocked. His eyes widened, getting up and going in front of you. "W-what's wrong, Y/n!?" Checking your temperature, it was just normal. "Answer me, Y/n...!"

He worries too much, almost making him cry. Humans are fragile, who knows if you'll die in the next few seconds- oh no, you're just having that thing. Yes, period.

Malleus noticed that the scent of blood became stronger, unlike earlier. "W-where are you bleeding!?"

Grabbing your wrists gently, he checked your stomach if you have injuries. "Tsunotaro..." Tears rolled down on your cheeks. "I'm on my period... I wanna die..."

Brushing his hand away, you pulled the black blanket you've been using to cover your legs. Grabbing a pillow, you hugged it tightly, almost clawing it with your nails as you clenches your fists. The pain is unbearable and being a lady is terrible.

"Period...? Oh-" he remember studying about that. He doesn't know how it really feels but looking at you, curled so cutely- Oops- i mean, curling in pain, he wanted to do something. Malleus wanted to help you so that pain would fade away. Pain is temporary and death is permanent. He won't let you die just because of that!

Patting your head, he pressed his lips on your forehead. "I'm going to bring you some sweets, wait for me, my dearest human" showing you his  gentlest smile, you almost melted. Yet that really don't help. It's making your napkin full of your blood-

"okay, take your time..." Saying this in a low tone, he immediately rushed out of the dorm. And you who was left on the building all alone since Grim was spending his night with the heartslabyul duo, you slowly get up, resisting the pain and going in the bathroom to change your napkin.

Just looking at the bloody item made you click your tongue is disgust. "It still hurts... Ugh!!"

Throwing it on the trash can, covering it with the other trashes which were chocolate and candy wrappers. Grim likes sweets so you needed to hide them, for the sake of your sanity.

Sighing, you suddenly gasps in pain. When will it end anyway? Suffering in a week... "I'd rather die, damnit!!" Your mood swings might affect other people so you'll ask for a leave to that so called 'gracious' headmaster of the prestigious school you're attending.

Supporting yourself by touching the walls, you went down to the lounge. To your surprise, he brought so many sweets! Your eyes lit up, not noticing the pain was already gone. Seeing those sweets and your favorite tea on the table made you crave.

Quickly sitting beside him, you removed the wrapper of the milk chocolate and bite onto it. "Aaah...~ Delicious! This is heaven...~!"

Savoring it nicely, he smiles ad he watches you. Knowing ice cream isn't good for you he still opened and ate it.

Seeing him do that on your side made you lick your lips. "Hey... Can i have some ice cream too?" You ask him in a rather cute tone. Too bad, he shook his head and smirks at you. "Cold foods and drinks aren't allowed for you, Y/n"

The facts coming out of his mouth hurt your feelings. Pouting, you looked at him with a puppy eyes, making it impossible for him to refuse. However...

"No." He answers bluntly. He's about to finish the ice cream while the milk chocolate on your hand is already forgotten. Malleus noticed it and pointed the choco bar on your hand. "Eating that is better for you. I'll treat you lots of ice cream once your period ends, okay?"

Cupping your cheeks gently, he pecked your nose. "Excuse me for a bit..." He puts his hands on your waists, lifting you so you would sit in between his legs.

Feeling comfortable with the sudden contact, you smiled as you took a small bite of your sweets. Malleus hugged you from behind and rests his head on the crook of your neck.

He blushes secretly, embarrassed because of what he have done. Maybe spending time with you in your period is the best thing for him to tease you, or even spoil you with treats.

"Ah... You really intrigue me, Y/n..."

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