(READER INSERT) Epel Felmier x Reader

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Requested by:  Audennetannanda


Watching your friends do work makes you feel so guilty. They're all strong yet you're the opposite. They're all nice to you but you're not that much.

"I want to give them something..." She blurted out while watching them carry some tools for their next subject.

With a book in her hand, She wondered what to do or what to make. Looking down while walking in the not so crowded hallway "How I wonder... Do they like sweets or somethi- ACK!"

It was an accident, She repeatedly says in her mind before looking at who is the person she bumped into. Slowly rising her head with tears rolling down into her cheeks, "I-I'm so sorry... Ah... Trey-senpai"

"Hello there. You were so small that i didn't even notice you. My bad" he said while scratching the back of his head. "By the way, did you mentioned 'sweets'?"

Nodding, his eyes widened "Oho... What for? Someone's birthday?"

"No..." she responded. "I just want to make something for my friends... they're so helpful and kind but I'm just there watching them... because I get sick easily. I want to thank them at least..." Tears still flowing out but she managed to explain all of these to her senior, Making him touched

"Let me help you."

"E-Eh? R-R-Really...? Thank you very much... Ah uhm... How can I repay you?"

"No need, no need. Giving me some would be enough." Giving her a smile and a pat in the shoulders, they crossed their paths after setting a date when to make an 'Apple Pie' requested by Y/n herself.

Feeling excited to the latter, she smiled to herself. Even the people around her thought that something good happened but they were wrong

It'll happen later after all~!

''''Heartslabyul Kitchen''''

"Senpai! I brought all the recipes needed like what you've said" she said, with her magic pen in hand, making the recipes on plastics and boxes float.

"That's quite a lot. Are we going to make many?"

"Mhm. If possible that is"

"Your tone has changed, Y/n. It's not that it's bad anyway though." taking some of the containers to mix the ingredients, He pointed out what to do and not to do. They have no time for errors since it's almost dinner.

She carefully followed her senior's instructions. Making sure that the dessert will be done correctly. "Careful, careful. You'll hurt your fingers if you'll hold the knife like that. Look at how i hold it... Got it?"

Answering with a hum, "Nice to see that you're taking this seriously. I'm sure they'll like it" He praised. But in that time that Trey is moving closer and closer to you, a voice made him flinch, "Y/n" It called. Looking where it came from, "E-Epel... what are you doing here?"

"That's my line! I- I mean... Uh... I'm here because Ace and Deuce called me for a game... I guess..."

"Trey-senpai is teaching me how to make an apple pie! This will take a while though. We need to peel a lot of apples."

"Let me help. I'm good at handling apples." Not waiting for any response from the two, Epel took a knife, helping the two of you but also watching over Trey who's already flirting on his crush, Y/n

Glaring at Trey who's eyes are still locked onto her, hand's almost taking a knife that'll target his senior's head but he took a note that she's still right there.

Cutting and setting all of the needed ones to the dough, they designed it beautifully with Epel's help. "...And done! We just need to bake this, right?"

"Yes." the two boys said in sync, making them look at each other with Epel glaring and Trey smirking.

feeling danger between them, you clapped your hands, taking their attention to you. "Epel, can you take me to their room? Uhm... just for a bit"

"Sure!" he then replied and gave Trey a smirk as if saying "Admit defeat asshole"

taking her by the arm, they stepped out of the room. Going to somewhere that doesn't have any people around, he chose the balcony. Making her confused "Epel... why are we here?"

"I need a talk with ya" he said with his real accent showing. "Epel, your accent--"

"!" he paused, clearing his throat. "I need to talk with you, Y/n"

"Mhm? a-about..?"

"Trey Clover." as the wind softly caressed each other's skin, he breathed in and asked, "What kind of relationship do you have with him?" straightly looking at your eyes, he didn't even waver a little bit.

"He's just a friend. W-Why do you ask?" feeling nervous at his change, she trembled. Epel noticed this and made his gaze softer. Being careful not to scare her.

"Nothing... I'm just curious since he's all chummy with you. I thought you're dating him or something..." mumbling the last part, It even made her more curious than how she is "What did you just say, Epel?"

He didn't answer, he just took a step back "Epel, tell me." another step, then he closed his eyes

"Please go out with me, Y/n L/n!" while his hands rested on the railings, his eyes were still closed, waiting for her answer.

"Epel, wake up. We're outside"

dumbfounded, he looked at her again. "Tha-That's not what i mean...!" the moment his hands landed on her cheeks to kiss her, she jolted,

"Ah! The Pie! It might get burned!" she cried out. Taking his hands away from her, she continued "Sorry, Epel. Talk to you later!" after that, she ran away.

A sigh scaped his mouth as he looked down on his feet. Feeling defeat, "Is the pie more important than me, Y/n?"

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