(READER INSERT) Epel Felmier x Reader

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"Epel... please teach me!" calling out for the best flyer of the class you're in and also your rival in beauty. Throwing your pride, he begged him despite him being your rival

"why would I? scram" he answered coldly. "P-please!" ignoring you, he walked away. You are already failing at the flying class and you needed help from him. Now that the two of you became rivals, you felt a sudden regret and guilt growing inside you. Even so, you didn't stop.

you kept on begging him, 'please' this and 'please' that. Until days passed, and the examination is near. Every night, she would always sneak out of the dorm which Epel has noticed one day. He decided to follow her in the shadows.

until the two arrived at the sports field of the Night Raven College. Getting ready the fly with her broom, the boy noticed that she is closing her eyes every time she's in air. "scared of heights..." he accidentally blurted out shocking the girl in air making her fall in the ground.

running towards the girl, "a-are you alright?" Epel asked worried

standing up, she fixed herself and snubbed him, As usual.

sighing, he gave up. "oi, let me help you"

"no need. I can do this by myself. I was an idiot asking you for help. You should have your beauty sle-"

"Stop acting like that, stupid. I'm giving you a chance so shut up and follow me."

with the cheekiness of him, it didn't stop you from accepting his offer. Taking his broom, he demonstrated all things you needed for the examination. "You trash you'd better listen to me"

"Hmph! whatever"

"don't you dare to forget that I saw you close your eyes while flying. Plus, sneaking out at night... I wonder what Vil-senpai will react to this~?"

getting scared that he'd reveal things you've done, you obeyed him like his own student.

"on your position," he demanded. "what kind of position is that?! the broom should is always straight! get that? STRAIGHT not SLANTED."

straightening yourself and the broom, you used your magic to fly but still cannot open your eyes which made you fell down again. "ouch..."

earning a tsk from him, your eyes watered from embarrassment and shame to yourself. Wiping your tears with your hands, you felt that your knee throbbed from pain. "oh no.."

"Y/n, You're bleeding! let's go back! seriously, why are you so careless?" trying to stand up, but you failed, wincing from the pain you're feeling.

scooping you up, bridal style, You felt way too comfortable to his touch which made you sleep as you leaned on his chest




morning came, waking up into an unfamiliar room, about to get up when someone grasps you by the stomach moving you closer to the figure. It's way too comfortable that it's making you sleepy again. BUT, who is the person who's hugging you?

you flicked the hands of that person, hoping that it would wake up but it didn't. Trying to remember what happened before this, A memory made your cheeks flame up and realize that the person who's holding you from the back is none other than Epel

looking at your knee that was scraped last night, it's already bandaged properly. Turning your back to confirm it, a sleeping innocent-looking devil is there. Never that you care anyway. Poking his soft cheeks continuously reminds of you the past. Him as your only childhood friend.

*BAM!* the door is forced open that the sleeping beauty came to life

"EPEL! HAVE YOU SEEN... Y/N?! what are you doing here?!" a panicking vice dorm leader came sweating.

"Rook senpai.. i... I can explain!"

with that even said, Epel is still half-asleep and pulls you back to him making Rook wake Epel and release you. Avoiding to slap his junior, he shakes him by the shoulders

"Mhm... Rook-senpai..? what's wrong?"

"that's my line! what with you do with her?!" pointing at you, Even Epel itself cannot believe that someone else but him is on his bed.

"wha-wha..?!! you trash why are you-" "don't call her trash Epel-"

"can you please lower your voices?!" Vil, the dorm leader who is just passing by scolded the three being way too loud. "and what in the hell is happening here? *sigh* I don't want to have wrinkles later so you'd better explain the whole thing"




when you explained the whole story which happened that night, the two of you got scolded by not following the beauty sleep rule of the dorm and having an injury while flight.

As time passes by, not learning their lesson, Epel and Y/n would sneak out at night.

"don't close your eyes, seriously!"

failing over and over again, you got worried. The flight examination will be tomorrow and you're not making any progress towards this

"*sigh* you're useless. On your position. I'll be with you at your back"

"okay... wait..what?!" panicking, she blushed.

"you won't make any progress with this! do it or else you'll fail!"not answering back and positioning yourself the broom as he supported you at the back. flying up, he whispered to you.

"keep yourself calm. Breath in, Breath out" doing what he said, you gripped the broom lightly unlike before that you're gripping it hard as if breaking it because of nervousness.

"Now that you're calm, open your eyes a little bit" making yourself steady, you opened your eyes a little bit as he wished. Getting used to the scene, you opened your eyes and looked straight at the view of the whole school.

"beautiful..." you commented. "see that?" asked Epel.

"mhm." you answered as you continue to admire the beauty of the school.

"now, we're going to land down, grip nicely at your broom. And nicely control it." following his instructions, you finally did the goal of yours.

"i Did it! thanks Epel! You're the best!" she thanked

"we're not finished yet. Ride the broom yourself and get used to it."

"poo... you're no fun..."

"I'm leaving you behind if you won't"

"okay, okay! Will do!"

as y/n did do it by herself, the boy left in the ground thought "ah.. Y/n... it's your fault that you made me fall for you harder"






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