(READER INSERT) Pomefiore x reader

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req by: @DP2810


"My dear! what are you doing there?!" Vil scolded you as he found you doing something in the kitchen

"i... Uhm... baking...?"

"without permission, hm?" looking at the whole kitchen, there isn't seems to be damage made by you so, "Y/n, dear, if you're going to bake something, at least tell me. No one wanted you to be injured"

As usual, Vil is over-acting. Because your beauty is way too much that he became over-protective boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend. (But there are some peeps who wanted to steal you away: Epel and Rook ;) I'm so horrible aren't I?)

"want to help?" you asked him. "well, why sure."

"can you make the batter then?" saying this, he nodded. But noticing something, you stopped him. "Stoppu, Stoppu! don't bake with your dorm uniform will you?"

"*sigh* alright"

"who said you can sigh? you'll have wrinkles with just that" you joked, making himself steady and used his magic to change onto something comfortable. Handing him an apron.

"hm? oh my, the lovely couple is doing something without telling me" says Rook as he entered the room with Epel. Upon them enter the room, Vil gave them a menacing glare, Which they did too

"w-what kind of greeting is that..?"

"Since we're already here, why not let us help them, Epel?"


giving them a permission to join, Vil 'tsk' ed under his breath.

"then, Rook-senpai, can you please assist Vil? ah and, Epel-kun, can you assist me to peel these fruits?"

"mhm!" they answered, while they gave Vil a smirk

"seriously? what kind of game are they playing?" you thought as you started peeling the apple.

as everyone did their job professionally, the deadly glaring and smirking game ended. The only sound to be heard is the whiskings and the other tools being used.

within that moment of silence, You accidentally cut yourself by observing them "ouch!"

"what's wrong?!"

without warning, Epel held your hand and sucked the finger that has a cut in it. You saw him slightly smirk as his tongue played with your little finger in his mouth. Making you release a lewd sound which made Vil even more shock

"E-Epel-kun... please stop that...!"

"Hm? sure." acting innocent to you, he obeyed you and look back at Vil, sticking his tongue out.

Instead of getting angry, He decided to forget what he saw and focused on the work that is given to him by his precious girlfriend.

washing your hands in the kitchen sink Even did Epel went back to work.

"seriously... 2 more times they'll do something... I'll have to do that..." you told yourself

heading to the other two, you checked if the batter is ready. "Did you follow the instructions?"

"We haven't added any sugars yet," says Vil.

noticing something, it seemed that you had a batter that splashed in your neck "humu? Miss Y/n you have something in your neck."

holding the back of your neck, he leaned in, and without warning, he licked it off of you. "Hmph!"

"That's IT! stop touching my-!"

"ALL OF YOU GET OUT!" you yelled at them, pointing at the door signaling them to get out

Now that you're angry, which is something VIl is avoiding to happen, He just obeyed you since no one can stop you once you did. Same with the others. They shut their mouths and silently moved out of the kitchen. Locking the door so one could not enter again, you worked by your own






"finished!" after all the troubles and designing, you finally finished the cinnamon apple cake.

Cutting the circular cake in 8, you decided to put the other 4 in the fridge and share the others with them.

Brewing an Earl Grey tea to match with the cake, you set all of it in the serving cart.

"i guess that i should say sorry to them by these."

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