You cannot love the one you do not know.
You cannot trust the one you don't even know.
Therefore, you cannot say that you love God and you trust God if you do not know who He is.Who is God?
Numbers 23:19 God is no mere human! He doesn't tell lies or change His mind. God always keeps His promises.
God constantly revealing who He is through everything around us, aside from who He said He is in the Bible. He shows Himself in an impossible situations or even to a queer and sporadic events. He even shows Himself through other people, those people you know and even through strangers.
Oftentimes, through His Words. But most importantly whether He make Himself known to this or to that, we must be aware of it because if not, we will miss the opportunity to know Him more.
How God reveals Himself to you is who He is in your life.
WHO IS GOD IN MY LIFE? (Based on the main verse)
I. God is not a mere human.
Humans came from dust. God is the source of everything and through Him everything was made. He is the beginning of everything. Meaning, humans, our physical bodies, will soon be gone but God will still remain—always and forever.
God, Himself, will remain along with who He is as God. Unlike humans who often wavers in their thoughts, distort facts, brokes promises and unconstant with their emotions, God is unchangeable and unchanging. God is perfect in His words and trustworthy in His works. This is why we shouldn't lean on our own strength and understanding but rather in our immutable God.
If God could change, then He is not Divine at all. But He is a Divine God. No one and nothing could change Him. He is who He is.
Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I do not change.
II. God doesn't tell lies.
God is the only One who is incapable of lying. He is not God if He tells lies. God is perfect. God is true in His words.
What God has said, HE SAID. What God has promised will come true!Humans often tell lies, although we are made according to the image and likeness of God, we commit sins. We sometimes tell false things in some occassions not because we intended it, but because we lack accurate information. But God, who is completely honest, is impossible to speak lies.
Hebrews 6:18 So that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.
III. God doesn't change His mind.Just like how He wrote the Bible properly, what's written there will never change—so do God. Because the Word itself is God Himself (John 1:1).
God promises and fulfills it. What God says something He carries through. He acts and does exactly what He says.
What is written is written. The God who was, is the God who is and who will be.IV. God always keeps His promises.
God's promises last up to the next generations. The truth is, what God has promised before, He is still fulfiiling it up to this day and He will surely fulfill it in the days to come. Don't you believe it? Look at this.
In the creation in Genesis 1:3 God said "Let there be light", and there was light... That light is the sun. If God doesn't keep His word, then we will not be experiencing the sun today.
Isaiah 55:11 That's how it is with my words. They don't retirn to me without doing everything I send them to do.
These are just a glympse of who really is God. God is eternal. He is like a sea that we need to dive in in order to know more about what is under it. Let us strive to know more who God is because this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. (John 17:3)
To God be all the Glory!

Moments with my First Love [UNDER REVISION]
SpiritualThis book is the compilation of my devotional moments with the Lord through the wisdom and conviction of the Holy Spirit. This also includes some of my testimonies in my Christian journey. "For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that w...