Having trouble WITH PIMPLE?
Must know this.'Pimple is just a natural flaw, not your definition as a person.'
Pimples are not usually a serious topic in a conversation. It is often talk for fun or sometimes, people does not really taking it too serious but they are nit just admitting, for some maybe, that they have been struggle with this.
Nowadays, having pimple becomes a big deal especially with teenagers. They are already condemning themselves as 'pangit' or 'ugly' whenever pimple appears to their faces. As if saying, 'so those who are clearskin have no flaws at all?'
You know what, PIMPLES have been my struggle eversince I started to come into my adoslence stage. I was in Grade five when pimples started to invade my face, from my forehead, to nose, cheeks and chin. My brothers and classmates always teases me like "having islands on face," "walking map," "map of the philippines" something like that. Maybe its funny for them, or to some people, but ti me, it really hurts.
It's not actually a big deal to me at first, because I know that its natural. But as the time goes by, hearing those laughters and teases, things are never the same again for me.
I was always crying alone and often throwing complain to my mom. I had been using every, yes 'every', pimple fighting products from soap to cream and all, just to make these pimple vanished. Funny right? But that's reality in me. Finally I found a product that really helps me with these face problem, but the painful mark it leave in my heart was still here and I carried it for years.
Even now that I am Christian, there are still times that I feel unsecure, I feel ugly with my self whether I look at the mirror and sees my pimples. Not to mention those stares and questions from other people "what happened to your face?", adds to me self-pity. Honestly, I don't know the exact word to describe what I feel. Indeed, this is a daily battle for me and I thank God for always assuring me the truth that I am beautiful in His sight, along with my flaws and wounds.
Everyone has their own flaws and everyone has their own beauty. Pimple never defines how beautiful a person is.
'Pimple is just part of being a teenager, you will not carry this forever.'
Teenage season will come and go, so as your pimple. What you will carry forever is your character, aspire the things that are eternal. Its fine to use facial cleansers and such, of course, we need to do something about it especially it is also a part of hygiene. Just don't let it come to the point that you're comparing your beauty to other people.
'Pimple may leave a bad mark in your face, but it doesn't mean you are a waste.'
Which do your prefer? People knew you because you have a mark of pimple or they knew you because your character created a mark of bad impression to them? It's fine if you're not makinis or clearskin, atlease you have a heart na malinis or clean.
Never define your beauty by your pimple. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
"..for the man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh at the heart." -1 Samuel 16:7
Glory be all to God! :)
Moments with my First Love [UNDER REVISION]
SpiritualeThis book is the compilation of my devotional moments with the Lord through the wisdom and conviction of the Holy Spirit. This also includes some of my testimonies in my Christian journey. "For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that w...