MOMENT 45: Come To Me

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I have fallen a thousand times, but there was never a time that God said to me "This is the last time I'n picking you up." His Grace never gets tored of reaching out to me and making me stand again. —Jervy Fermin

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." -Matthew 11:28-29

What have you done with your soul that it became so tired that way?

What have you not done with your soul that it became so weary that way?

You see, last pandemic season, quarantine has been extended. It was a priveledge for you to get closer to Jesus, to know more of Him through His Word and grow in prayer.

That was your preliminary test—a preparation for you for the MAIN PART of your PROCESS. The sum total of those months or year were just an introductory of what is to come! How did you treasure its worth?

Instead of that, you choose to let yourself be attached with the world too much that you forgot your First Love. That lead you to what you ate right now—tired and weary.

But here is Jesus, asking you to come to Him. Just come back to Him again. To come means to approach. Approach Jesus of you are not doing it anymore, because by not abiding to Jesus causes your soul to be drained.

When you are no longer talking to Him, when you are no longer listening to Him, when you are no longer prayer to Him, when you are no longer coming to Him—you don't feel the tiredness and weariness at first right? You thought you're just fine. Because the effect will only be shown after a long time.

You are like a cellphone, at first you are full charge. You keep on using yourself to different applications in life most especially on wordly things. Because of quarantine, we don't have much work or studies, we have so much time and we search it on too many things just to fill those boredom, not knowing that those will cause us to eventually lose our power.

Now that you have low battery, tired and weary, the best thing to do is to CONNECT AGAIN TO YOUR SOURCE. COME TO HIM! He just want you back. Ans He promised you that He will give you rest—He will fill you up again with His power!

This is not a literal rest in which you are not ginna do something. Rest here means taking something that Jesus took of. Taking the road He took. Taking the cross He bore. But He said, this ia no heavy to carry, for He is gentle and lowlt in heart.

Beloved, it's time for you to come again to Jesus. Don't let your soul be drained and get worst. God is giving you this chance. No matter how far you distance yourself from Him, no matter how worst you do your sins, no matter how many times you deny Him, still He just want you back! He just want to you to come. He is just waiting for you to come.

May you find in your heart the love you once have for the One who never gets tired of loving you.


Glory be all to God! :)

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