Last June 2020, I was delivered by God from reading erotic and worldly stories here in wattpad. From that day on, I deleted all of the stories in my reading list that contains scenes which promotes sexual immorality.
I intently prayed to God to deliever me from the thing that He hates the most, He doesn't want His people to be sexually immoral. I repented, I prayed so hard. And I asked God how could I ever turn this mess into message?
He answered me on July 09, 2020. He wants me to bring His light into the dark world of wattpad. Admit it or not, wattpad contains so many stories that has sexual immorality.
To be honest, wattpad has become a tool of the enemy for me to have a polluted mind. It is just by the Grace of God that I am continually being cleansed, forgiven and changed.
God told me to share His Words that He is revealing to me here in wattpad. He wanted to use our previous and present conversation through my devotions as His instrument to reach the lost, the dry and the weary souls. So I let Him used me.
For almost everyday, I kept on sharing and publishing my devotions in this account and I was blessed to know and to talk with people who are saying that they were being strengthen by this book.
Actually, it is like hitting two birds in one stone. The readers are being motivated, strengthen and renewed by the Words of God here in this book, and I am, as well, being closer to God because I got delighted more on His Words than ever before.
I believe that someone cannot share something that he/she doesn't have. That's why, it is always imperative to make yourself delighted and closer to God before bringing others closer to Him as well. To God be all the Glory!
Now, lately... When online class has started, I can't be able to type my devotion and publish here because I am already having a tough times. For me, it is more important to update my own faith and fire to God than to update here in my account.
Yes, that's right. Nothing's wrong with that. But tonight, just this night, God told me something...
"Don't forget to do good and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to God." -Hebrews 13:16
I was so stunned as I received His Word for me tonight. I didn't know that sharing my devotion here in wattpad is a serious matter to God. I mean, I am not saying that I'm just doing this for fun, of course not. But, I really didn't know that this is such a big deal to Him.
For the last months that God has been blessing this book, I am afraid to consider that writing here in wattpad is one of my ministry to Him. Because I am really confused. I am so puzzled. I knew that there's nothing wrong with this.
But honestly, there are Christians that kept on saying that "If I am already a Christian, I should leave the world of wattpad." They kept on saying that wattpad is worldly. Which is true, but... I realized, "How can I leave this wattpad, this one corner, when I knew that there's still a lot of Christians and unbelievers in here that needs the light from the Lord?" "How could I solo this Gospel in me, when I know I could share it here to the lost and dry souls?"
Is the wattpad the same with facebook? Is the wattpad the same with twitter? Instagram? Or any other social media sites?
Majority of people nowadays are so engaged with social media. Christians, let us use this opportunity to reach them out and make them know about Jesus and be engaged to Him instead.
I don't know why there are Christians that kept on saying that we should leave or stop using or reading in wattpad.. I don't know their point, but for me... God just want us to reach people in every corner.
We should not leave them alone in the dark. The lamp is not place under the bed, it's purpose is to give light to the room. Let the light of God shine in here!
Tonight, God is saying to you and me, "Do not neglect—" What is neglect? To fail to do. We must not neglect what? "to do good and to share what you have,"
Sharing the Gospel is good!
And Gospel is the most precious and valuable thing you could ever share to people! Do not neglect to do it.Sharing the Gospel is the greatest ministry. I repeat, do not neglect it.
Why? Because for such sacrifices is pleasing to God.
Sharing God's love, God's mercy, God's grace, God's message in any platform is a sacrifice. This is just a little sacrifice. And you know what? It pleases Him.
Now tell me, how couls I ever neglect and leave the thing that pleases God?
Writing is not just a passion, it is a God-given ministry.
Minister for people.
Let your life be used by God.
Let your account be used for God.
Believe me, many souls out there are being reached, being strengthened, being renewed, being saved.Continue writing for the Glory of God.
Share the Goodnews of God, not yourself.Ps. I pray that despite my busy schedule nowadays, I could still make time to share God's message here everyday if possible and if He wills. I thank God for giving me and you this Word tonight!
To God be all the Glory! :)

Moments with my First Love [UNDER REVISION]
SpiritualThis book is the compilation of my devotional moments with the Lord through the wisdom and conviction of the Holy Spirit. This also includes some of my testimonies in my Christian journey. "For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that w...