MOMENT 89: Life's Satiation-Bread of Life

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Your hungerness will be defined by what or who you keep in chasing and seeking.

I want you to look within yourself and analyse your life: what or who are you keep on chasing and seeking?

Is it promotion?
'In' things?


Looking around, we will realized that the world will always offer things that looks good in our eyes or seems sweet to our taste but will leave us still unsatisfied at the end of the day.

The thing that you keep on finding in this world will only be found in the Maker of this world.

It is Jesus who came down from heaven and gave men not simply satisfaction from physical hunger but life! For He truly know that many of us were just existing and doesn't know how to truly live, so He gave His body for us which is our Bread of life.

"For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives us life to the world." -John 6:33

But notice the response of the people in verse 34, "Sir, give us this bread always." They addresed Jesus as "Sir" instead of "Lord" because they are not believing in Him in the verty first place.

2 Truths about the Bread of Life:

1. God has already given us the bread of life.

God has already provided us everythind we need. He already given us every means in order to live. When the crowd ask Jesus to give it to them always, that only means that they are ignorant and blind of God'a work. Jesus, the All-in-All, was already in front of them but they do not realized that it is Him who is the Bread.

My prayer for you is that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling,.. (Ephesians 1:18)

2. Believe as you come unto Him.

Because what's the point of coming yet not believing? It is the most basic requirement of having the Bread of life. To believe and to come is just a very simple act.

When Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life," (verse 35) He meant to say that He is essential. He is necessary for spiritual life just as the bread is necessary for physical survival. But Jesus isn't the bread just for survival but for truly living.

How essential is Jesus for you?

Earthly food or any earthly things may solve temporary state of hunger or longings but it will never satisfy the hole we have within. Only Jesus can.

When would you realize that only Jesus could satisfy the endless cravings of our hearts?

Jesus is the real Bread of Life!

Train you spiritual palate to crave for Him matter how any other bread offered by this world seem good or delicious—you should not be eating it.

Jesus is our daily bread and all the bread we will ever need.

I pray that you may continue to seek and eat the Bread of Life. It is Him that would ever satisfy every hunger and thirst you have. Simply believe and come to Him for He is lowly at heart and He will never cast you out.

Glory be all to God! :)

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