MOMENT 13: Feeling down?

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You don't have someone to share your feelings honestly tonight?

That's what you thought. But actually you have Someone that you can pour out your heart so honestly.
This someone is Jesus who knows everything even the little details of your heart. This is our confidence in coming near Him. Since He knows everything, even if you aren't yet telling Him, He is still willing to hear you.

The Book of Psalms contains almost of honest prayers, thoughts and heart of David, the one that God used to wrote it which inspires us and tells us that as David, we could also be so honest in the Presence of the Lord...

I have give up all hope, and I feel numb all over. I remember to think about many things you did in years gone by. Then I lift my hands in prayer because my soul is a desert, thirsty for water from you. -Psalm 143:4-6

Time will come when you will feel hopeless all over. You will feel too tired and just wanting to rest from every burden that the world gives. And if that time is now? Do what David did which is stated in the passage...

✔️ Keep remembering the good things that God has done before for you.

If God doesn't let you down before, how much more now? Your very reason to hope is the faithfulness od God in you!

And as you wait for Him...

✔️ WORSHIP and PRAY which indicates that you long for Him and you want Him more.

God allowed this season you are facing today for you to come to Him again like never before. Can't you realize that when opposition comes, it is when you come to Him the most? Sometimes God allowed it because He wants you to thirst for His comfort, for His Presence.

Tonight, before you go to sleep. Speak up your pain, your hurts, your problems to God. You can cast all your anxieties to Him because He truly cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).

May I pray for you? :)

Dear Jesus,
If the person who's reading this message coming from You has a burden within his/her heart, I pray Lord that may You hug this person right now. God, I may not know them personally but I know that you know what they are going through right now. May you take off all this burden in their heart and put Your divine peace in them.

I pray for their sleep to give them a pefect rest and strength for another day to come. Give them a hope and security that You are always there with them whatever they are facing today.

Thank You Jesus! In the Mighty Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Glory to God alone! :)

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