Last week, I had so much tasks to do that I have been so pressured about how I could finished it all within that week.
T'was Sunday, November 22, 2020 when the preacher teached us the story where Jesus feed the 5,000 men through the two fish and five barley loaves in John 6:1-14. The two fish were described as being small, as well as the barley loaves. It was not just a bread that we knew, because in Jesus' times, barley loaves are the kind of bread that is so thin ans ordinary. Yet Jesus, made those small.and ordinary thinga extraordinary and all the people were fed and full.
The preacher told us that if we just give to Jesus what we have like how the boy in the book of John gave what he only have, though small and ordinary, Jesus can make great things through it.
I cried while hearing the revelation of God's Word. I knew in my heart that God is encouraging me. I was thinking of all the tasks I needed to do for the week:
√ write a reviewer.
√ review for exams on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
√ Make an outline of Preaching (because I will be the preacher on.the next Sunday, that would be November 29)
√ Make teaching about Worship for Saturday sharing before rehearsal of Praise and Worship (because it was my schedule)
√ Edit the video of recorded praise and worship for the next Sunday (Nov. 29)
√ Edit the video of my client, deadline on Friday (this is my sideline job)
√ Make prop for baby's 7th month celebration pictorial, needed on WednesdayThinking all those task, given the fact that I only have a limited time and a limited strength, I am thinking that I can't do all those things. I will fail and weaken. But during the ministiring, I surrended it all to Jesus, my two fiah and five loavea, the only thing I have in me, and trusted Him and He is with me and I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. And that strength that He is giving me is not an ordinary strength, but a DIVINE STRENGTH.
Monday came, where my battles had begun, I am dwelling in the Word of God and He had given me this word:
"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but wise, making the best use of time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." -Ephesians 5:15-17
I am so thankful for having a loving God and caring Father. He is not just there to help me but He is as well instructing me what I should do with all those task.
How to make the best use of time?
√ Look carefully on how you walk.
This is not just applicable when you have tough schedule. This should be observed day by day. What are the ways that you should walk through? Those important things to do or your self-satisfaction habits?
I will admit this, I still have things in life that I do just to chill, like scrolling through Facebook and playing offline game in my cellphone (the home designing game, haha!), there are times that these things are consuming my time when I get too dwelled in it. There are times that I consume most of my time on Facebook or games than reading the Word, praying or studying my lessons for online class.
But thank God, He is correcting me for these wrong habit. And Praise Him alone, for I was able to limit my use of Facebook and games last week until now. Praying that this will continue until this became my lifestyle.
√ Be wise.
God taught me to be wise with my time, because I am just getting up early whenever I have an early online class. But if I don't have class, I woke up too late that I don't have time to clean my room or even comb my hair (this is true).
√ Make best use of time because the days are evil.
The moment when you have loads of tasks, are also the moments when load of enemies will tempt you. I admit that I was tempted for so many times last week to just rest, instead of finishing my task. But thank God, He is stronger than my weakness and the temptation around me. Yes, I feel my physical body getting tired, and my eyes wanted to close, but God's divine strength is me is awesome. For the Glory of God, I slept 4hrs a day last week just to finish my editing, outline and reviews.
That was so draining, but I am so amazed with what God did in my life. He didn't even let me be sick. Because I am an anemic person, it is really not good for me have lack of sleep, I will get sick—headache and fever. But see? Today is Friday but I didn't even had a sickness. Praise God!
√ Understand the will of God.
You can only understand God's will if you are talking to Him through prayer and devotion.
I got this word of God, and this is His will, that I must make the best use of my time. I will not know that this is His will for me last week, and for my entire life to come if I didn't pray and read His word.
Glory to God alone.
All those task were done successfully because of His grace in me. I will not be able to do it all without Him.So to you who are reading this today, I pray that you may not just seek His Word, pray and surrender to Him if you have tough battles to face... May you seek Him everyday. May you pray to Him everyday. May you surrender what you have, no matter how ordinary it is or small it is, He will make His way through it.
Glory be all to God! :)

Moments with my First Love [UNDER REVISION]
SpiritualThis book is the compilation of my devotional moments with the Lord through the wisdom and conviction of the Holy Spirit. This also includes some of my testimonies in my Christian journey. "For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that w...