Dear Lord,
I have a crush in a certain guy. What's the right thing that I must do?Have you prayed like this to God? Telling Him the even the thing about your secret crush?
So here is God's answer to me that time:
"If you follow your selfish desires, you will harvest destruction, but if you follow the Spirit, you will harvest eternal life." -Galatians 6:8
Teenagers often get attracted to someone who has that looks, talent, good charater, and the like, which is best known for a term ideal characteristics. But is it still fine if that feeling is turning into bad habit? Of course the answer's obvious, it's not.
Instead of living in reality, teens when having a crush often imagine things about their crush or they always think about it. It's not bad to enjoy being a teen, to have that kind of feeling, to have crush on someone. That's normal. That's being a human. That's part of teenage life.
What's not fine is that when it becomes the main reason for you to be distructed. It's not fine when it will no longer helping you getting closer to God. It becomes wrong if it's rubbing your time to make your relationship with God deeper and stronger.
Say for instance, instead of doing your devotion, you're wasting your time stalking your crush's timeline in facebook. Instead of reading the Bible in your reading time, you choose to read the status of your crush on his/her post. Instead of focusing to grow more on your faith, you become worldly because you limits your time with the Lord and gives more time now to know more about your crush.
I'm telling you: The feeling is not bad, the habits and the deeds are.
God has given us feelings like that so we could learn how to manage it. See, it's just a crush. What if, you become in-love? God is preparing not just your heart for something greater, but He is also preparing your character, your habit, your mindset, your managing skills.
Remember: God cares in every areas of your life, most especially about your crush or love life. Because He is God of love.
So... Why the Lord said that you will havest destruction if you follow your selfish desires?
When we put our crush before God, we are definitely sinning—in which the Bible saus destruction. You know, in Jeremiah says that Sin is what separates us from God. And any man whonis separated from God has a life of destruction.
The Bible is clear that God is not pleased with idol worship, and idols come in all sorts of forms even people. Often our crushes start taking up our thoughts and desires. We do more to please our crush than our God.
It's easy to get caught up in these desires, but when God gets cut out or lessened, we're violating His commandments. The number one rule must be: God first.
Know that, lusting is a sin. But is a crush equal to lust or is it different from it?
It depends on your perspective, lusting can be no different than having a crush. On the other hand, they can be very different. It's all in what your crush entails.
The Bible is very clear that lusting is a sin. We know about the warnings against sexual sin. We know the commandment about adultery.
Matthew 5:27-28, says "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery'; but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery in his heart,"
We learn that just looking at a person with lust is a form of adultery. So, how are you looking at your crush? Is it something where you lust after him or her?
Though, Not all crushes involve lust. When we lust, we focus on pleasing ourselves. It is giving control to the sexual thoughts. However, when we think of admiration, crush or love in a Biblical way.
By that, it will lead us to righteousness and healthy heart. The Bible will always teach us to walk in the Spirit, which is the best way ti live a life of righteousness.
Never forget that selfish desires is not reliable. Most of the times, our feelings is just a desire of our flesh. So we must not trust our own feelings. We must nit be driven by our own feelings.
On the other hand, if we will follow the Spirit, we will never get lost. We will not cross the path of destruction. This destruction will be used by the enemy to steal your faith, steal your eternal life that God has already given to you. We can often get very involved in our crushes to a point where they become obsessions.
Think about how far you would go to impress a crush. Are you changing yourself to please a crush? Are you denying your faith to get in good with your crush or his friends? Are you using people to get to him or her? When crushes become distractions or harmful to us, they become sinful.
Remember: When crushes cause us to walk away from God's important tenets, that leads us to sin.
God cares even to your small little feelings, you can trust Him with it. Tell it to Him just like telling a friend. You can always be honest to Him. And God is more than willing to listen, and direct you to right way.
Shalom! :)
Glory be all to God!

Moments with my First Love [UNDER REVISION]
SpiritualThis book is the compilation of my devotional moments with the Lord through the wisdom and conviction of the Holy Spirit. This also includes some of my testimonies in my Christian journey. "For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that w...