MOMENT 8: Be reminded!

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The Lord is helping you, and you are a strong warrior. -Judges 6:12

Be reminded that whenever you feel helpless...
Whenever your strength is gone...
Whenever you find no reason to fight anymore...
God loves to works miraculous things in small matters.

Just like how Jesus feed almost 5,000 people with only five loaves and two fishes, He is working through your smallest strength! He is wiiling to help you and He sees you as a warrior! You're an overcomer!

When only a few of the Lord's people remain, when their strength is gone, and some of them are slaves, the Lord will feel sorry for them and give them justice. -Deuteronomy 32:36

When you are already worn out...
When you are already tired and broken apart...
When you are too weary to fight..
When your faith and fire are almost gone...
That's the time when God will move unto you!

Sometimes your lowest and impossible point is the point of your Spiritual Breakthrough!

God will never ever let His beloved child facing the ground!
For He knows that His child is meant for facing the giants! To defeat them and glorify the Lord!

The strongest warrior of God can also be the one who faces trails that weakens them so much.

But be reminded that,
Your weakness is God's way to strengthen you.
Your emptiness is God's way to fill you.
You pain is God's way to heal you
That's how God moves.
Trust Him. He knows what He is doing.

Glory to God alone! :)

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