Have you tried to treat someone that he/she don't even deserve?
Have you experienced giving someone the thing that he/she deprived on you?
Admit it or not, only few people with big and strong heart can do this. But if you will ask them and they will honestly answer you, they will say that "of course, even though I'm being good to someone who treated me wrongly, there's still something in my heart that tells me to take revenge."
But of all the people in this world, there is one person who never regretted in his heart to give something too big and too good to someone that only hurt him and isn't even good to Him.
"But although the world was made through him, the world didn't recognize him when he came. Even in his own land and among his own people, he was not accepted. But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn! This is not a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan—this rebirth comes from God. -John 1:10-14
That someone is Jesus. And that someone who hurt and cause bad unto Him, is YOU.
Jesus adjusted Himself for you. He has everything in heaven yet, He still chose to leave it and stepped into our world. He stepped off from His throne to go where you are. And to where you are, Jesus come to you personally.
But you did not accepted Him.
You did not acknowledged Him.How could you say that? I have already accepted Jesus Christ in my life! —maybe you want to say this thing (if you are already a Christian and continuing your journey in faith with Him.)
Let me tell you this, maybe... You already accepted Jesus long time ago. Maybe you already acknowledged Him as He is before.
But, in your everyday life especially now that you are already years of being a believer and follower of Jesus. Is your acceptance of Him still manifesting in your life? Are you still acknowledging Jesus as your "Lord" and "Personal Savior"?
Honestly, all of us, even I, fail in this. Even though we already accepted Jesus and acknowledge Him as our Lord and Savior before, time comes that we still fail.
When we chose to sin.We accepted Jesus as our LORD. And Him as our Lord, He will always want to lead us in righteous path. He is always directing us to go in a way that is good for us. A way to Him in eternal life. But there are time that we fail to obey His leading... He is saying that we should not cheat, still we did. That's one example of failure of our acceptance on Him as our Lord.
Because He is not the One that you followed but yourself. If you truly accepted Jesus as your Lord, He must be your Lord in your every day life, every decision, every action. Not yourself. It's not about you anymore, but Jesus.
Another, we maybe saying that we acknowledged Him as our Personal Savior. But most of the time we fail in this.
How? When we are in tough times, in struggles, in trials, in impossible situations... We forgot who Jesus is in our lives. We often feel discouraged and weakens our faith in Him. You forgot that He is your Personal Savior. If He did saved you from your sins, why can't He save you in your financial problems? In your school works? In your family problems? Or in whatever problems it may be. He can save you in anything! Why are you always forgetful of who He is?
Remember, Jesus conquered the grave so He could also be the God of the dead, not just the living. If Jesus could save you from the death, how much more in your problems today while you are still alive?
There are times in our lives that we fail to acknowledge Him as our Lord and Savior. But still, Jesus, continuously giving us what we deprived of Him.
We may rejected Him in times of our lives, but we are still accepted in Him. We may fail to acknowledge Him in our lives but still, Jesus gives us the privilege to come to Him. And this is too much. We don't deserve it. Still, He gave. And He's willing because He loves us so much.
Two things that Jesus wants to give us:
1. The right to be a child of God
2. Being Born Again in SpiritOnly if we believe in Him and accepted Him in our everyday lives. This is not a one-shot act. This is done in everyday, in every hour, in out every deeds—acknowledge Jesus. Accept His leading as the Lord of your life and acknowledge Him as your Personal Savior and of course, Have faith in Him.
Glory be all to God! :)

Moments with my First Love [UNDER REVISION]
SpiritualThis book is the compilation of my devotional moments with the Lord through the wisdom and conviction of the Holy Spirit. This also includes some of my testimonies in my Christian journey. "For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that w...