Chapter 1

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               *Daisy's POV*
   "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" My mom yelled as I laid in bed.
I smiled and giggled as my mom gave me a hug with breakfast in bed.
Shes not my birth mom, my real mom died in a car crash alongside my dad when I was eight years old. I miss them every day but when my best friend Bria and her family took me in after i could never have been more thankful.

Bria's mom is beautiful, she has short black hair and eyes like chocolate, I really love chocolate.

"Here sweetie, eat your breakfast. We have a surprise for you later."

I started scarfing down the chocolate chip pancakes with milk and fresh fruits. This woman can really cook.

After breakfast I went downstairs to see Bria with a birthday present with a big smile on her face.

"Happy birthday DeeDee"

"Aww. Thank you, Bria, I love you so much!" I said excitedly taking the present.

It was a cute bathing suit.

It was an Orange and yellow with beading

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It was an Orange and yellow with beading. The bra was in the shape a shells and the bottoms looked like the pretty corals underwater.

"I love it Bria! I will look like a mermaid!"  I said dancing around the living room giggling with Bria.

"It's a clue to your surprise." Bria said wiggling her eyebrows. I suck at guessing things, but I love surprises.

Bria has her mom's chocolatey brown eyes and curly black hair that goes down to get shoulders. She is my best friend, and I don't know what I would do without her. Shes always there when I need her to be, even when I cry from tripping over a rock, she is there kissing my booboos and making them better.

"Okay girls, your father and I are going to the store for some last-minute birthday stuff for the surprise later on. Bria, keep Daisy out of trouble and keep her occupied" Bria's dad comes in with a glint in his eyes. Her dad is a doctor and has been really nice since me moving here.

"I will dad, we can maybe watch a movie?" She says looking at me for an answer.

"Can we watch Moana?" I say quietly. I know the movies I like are childish...but i like what i like.

"Of course, we can DeeDee, it's your birthday so we can watch whatever you want." Bria agreed. She sensed that me asking that in front of her dad made me feel uncomfortable and like he would judge me. But he just hugged us both and left with our mom.

"I'll go start it." Bria said while sitting on the couch.

"Wait! I need Maple." I said running to my room to my stuffed koi fish. Bria got this for me when we graduated 8th grade. She knows I love fishies and everything to do with water. Ever since she got me this, I take it everywhere with me.

I grabbed it then zoomed down the stairs. Luck was on my side because I didn't fall. I giggled to myself, proud that I didn't trip.

"I'm ready." I said slipping onto the couch next to her with Maple in my arms. She looked at me with a smile and started the movie.

After we watched the movie, my eyes started feeling heavy. I yawned and stretched my arms forgetting Maple was in my arms. She fell to the floor and my eyes started to water.

"What's wrong DeeDee?" Bria looked at me with worried eyes.

"Maple got hurt and it's all my fault." Tears started coming out and I silently cried.

Bria quickly grabbed Maple and ran to the bathroom with her. I didn't know why but I was feeling too bad to care. I know Bria would take good care of her since I didn't deserve her anymore.

"Here DeeDee, all better" she said coming back into the room. Maple had a band aid on her head, and I instantly started to light up.

"Shes all better now? Is she mad at me?" I asked worried about the answer.

"She is all better now; she isn't mad at you at all, and the band aid made her all better. Don't worry DeeDee she's all better." Bria hugged me and smiled.

I was so happy that Maple wasn't mad at me. I quietly whispered that I'd have a tea party with her tomorrow.

I told Bria I was going to go take a shower and get ready for the surprise.

"Wear that bikini I gave you under some comfy clothes, do you need help picking out what to wear?" She asked from downstairs yelling up at me.

"Uuuummmmm, no I can do it" I said contemplating. Bria usually helped me pick out my clothes but I'm 18 now, a big girl.

I got into the shower and washed my long brown hair that touched my butt. I rinsed it out and poured some vanilla scented body wash on a fluffy loofah and started cleaning my body.  I stopped when I got to my feet because I knew it would tickle. I sat down and washed my feet laughing at the tingly feeling on my feet. I'm too ticklish for my own good. 

I stepped out the shower and dried off. I looked in the mirror and sighed wishing I was a little taller so I could see my body. I'm only 5'2 and Bria is 5'5. I wish I were as tall as her. 

I walked to my bedroom and saw that Bria laid out a few options for me. I was secretly thankful she helped me anyways. The first option was a short summer dress with pink flowers on it, the second option was a long hello kitty t shirt that would reach my knees, and the last option was a romper that zipped in the front.

I put on my seashell bikini and picked the hello kitty shirt. I looked in the body mirror in my room and did a twirl. I feel pretty.

I made my way downstairs to the family.

"You ready for your surprise?" Bria's mom sang.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I said excitedly jumping.

We headed to the car with Bria holding my hand to keep me from falling.  We got all buckled up and started driving.

I can't wait to see the surprise.


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