Vol. 1 Ch. 1 Smoking Gun

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Yang's POV

As I was fighting off Junior's men, I heard a gunshot from behind me. I turned and saw one of the goons knocked out cold on the floor. I looked at where the gunshot came from and saw some guy holding a still smoking gun. He blew off the smoke before spinning the gun and holstering it. He was actually kinda hot. He looked at me slightly shocked. Then he smirked at me and left without another word.

After I took care of Junior and found Ruby standing outside, I asked her, "Hey, Rubes. You didn't where the guy in blue went, did you?" She raised an eyebrow and said, "What guy?" I shook my head and said, "Nevermind." Maybe I just imagined him, I thought to myself. He was definitely my type after all.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Ruby defeating Chibi Roman)

Ozpin's POV

After Ruby left, I dismissed Glynda and headed back to Beacon. When the elevator arrived at my office, I noticed that the chair behind my desk was facing away from me. I smiled and said, "I was wondering if I'd see you tonight, Y/N." The chair spun around and I saw Y/N L/N sitting in my chair. He smirked and said, "Hey, Oz. It's been awhile. I heard that a Ms. Rose is joining Beacon Academy 2 years early. This Ms. Rose wouldn't happen to be related to Summer, would she?" I smiled and said, "She would indeed. Now, Y/N, I doubt that this is why you've come out of hiding, so what is it?"

He sighed and said, "I saw a girl earlier who reminded me of her." I smiled warmly and nodded and replied, "I know how much Julia meant to you, but you need to let her go." He frowned angrily and yelled, "Don't mention her name!" I rolled my eyes and said, "Y/N, she's been gone for nearly 2 centuries!" He sighed and said, "I know, Oz, but this girl looked almost exactly like her." I nodded and said, "I believe you. Do you want to hangout at Beacon Academy this year to meet her?" He nodded and said, "Yes." I smiled and said, "Well, okay then. Wouldn't be the first or second time that you pretended to be a student at Beacon." He smirked and said, "No. No, it wouldn't." Then he got up and headed towards the elevator. He stopped and said, "By the way, it's nice to see you again, Oz." I smiled and said, "You too, old friend."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and enjoy this book.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now