Vol. 2 Ch. 7 Helping Her

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Your POV

I woke up and yawned. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was still in my dorm at Beacon. Everything is okay, I thought to myself. The sun was shining through the window, someone was cuddled up against my back, and the birds were chirping happily outside. I smiled as I closed my eyes. Then my eyes shot wide open and I thought, Someone's in my bed with me?! I sat up and saw Yang fast asleep next to me. I got frustrated and said, "Yang?! What the hell are you doing in here?" She woke up, smirked, and said, "I thought you'd like waking up to me." I growled and said, "How many times do I have to tell you, Yang? I'm not looking for anyone to be in a relationship with right now! How the hell did you even get in?" She smiled and said, "You left the door unlocked." I groaned and said, "Alright, whatever. Could you please just get out of my dorm?!" Yang sighed and said, "Fine. See you later, Y/N." I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind her. I locked it and mumbled under my breath, "Dammit! She's so much like Jules."

I got dressed and went to the Emerald Forest to let off some steam. I decided to take Jules' Diary with me to read while I was out there. After about an hour or so of killing Grimm, I put my Deagles in their holsters and climbed up a tree. Once I situated myself on a branch, I pulled out the diary and started to read some more of it.


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I was wondering through the halls of Beacon Academy. I was bored and decided to hang around Beacon for a few years. As I was walking, I heard someone running through the hall nearby. Suddenly, I felt someone run into me, knocking us both to the ground and sending their textbooks everywhere. I held my head and saw that a girl with beautiful yellow hair had accidentally ran into me. I got up and said, "Whoa, are you okay?" I held out my hand to help her up. She smiled nervously and took my hand. As I helped her up, she said, "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm sorry for running into you, but I'm almost late for class." I handed her books to her and she ran off, shouting back to me, "Thanks!" I smirked slightly and said to myself, "Cute." Then I noticed a wallet on the ground, so I picked it up. I opened it and saw an ID with a picture of a girl, the same one who had run into me, on it. I read the name to myself, "Julia Talos, I guess she doesn't know that she dropped this. I'll return it to her after she is done with her class."

Later that day, I was in the cafeteria, eating lunch. I heard someone approach me and a familiar female voice said, "Hey, it's you again." I raised an eyebrow and said, "And I know you how?" She replied, "I accidentally ran into you this morning on my way to class." I turned and saw Julia standing there. I smiled and said, "Oh, yeah. I've got something for you." I reached into my jacket and pulled out her wallet. I handed it to her and said, "You dropped this earlier." She went wide-eyed and grabbed her wallet. She looked at me and said, "Oh my god, thank you! I didn't even realize that it wasn't in my pocket." I smirked as she sat down next to me and I said, "Don't mention it. I'm Y/N." She smiled and said, "I'm Julia. You know, you're actually really hot." I smirked and said, "Yep."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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