Vol. 2 Ch. 12 Her Death

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Your POV

I woke up with Yang still fast asleep next to me, her head laying peacefully on my bare chest. I gently ran my fingers through her beautiful golden locks. She smiled in her sleep and nuzzled her head against my chest. I smiled and said, "Yang, you're awake, aren't you?" She nodded and said, "Yes. By the way, I don't ever let anyone touch my hair. But I don't mind it if you do. When you do it, it feels soothing." I smiled and said, "Julia was the same way." Yang kissed my chest and said, "Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you something personal about Julia?" I sighed and said, "Sure. What do you want to know?" Yang looked up at me and said, "If you don't mind me asking, how did she die?" I sighed and said, "Well, it was about 2 centuries ago. Julia and I were on our honeymoon in Mistral..."


I looked at her and said, "Hey, Jules. I still can't believe that you said yes to marrying me. Even after I told you about my 1st semblance." She smiled and said, "Well, I love you so much. Even though you'll probably still be alive after I die, I can still grow old with you." I smiled and kissed her. She kissed me back. Then she whispered something into my ear that made me smile, "I'm pregnant, Y/N." I smiled and said, "R-really?" She nodded happily and I hugged her tightly. I pulled out of the hug and said, "I'm going to be a father!" She smiled and said, "And I'm going to be a mother." I smiled and said, "I'm so glad that I'm going to start a family with you. I love you, Jules." She kissed my cheek and said, "I love you too." I smiled and said, "Where do you want us to raise the kid?" She smiled and said, "I've always wanted to live in Patch." I nodded and said, "That's sounds good." She kissed my cheek and said, "Come on, let's continue with our honeymoon, you Knucklehead."

I smirked and said, "But I'm your Knucklehead." She laughed a little, but stopped when we both heard a growl. I turned and saw a Beowolf. I grabbed Paradox out of my jacket pocket and charged towards the Beowolf. As I killed it, I heard the loud screech of a Nevermore above. I saw it shoot its razor-sharp feathers at Jules. I ran as fast as I could towards her. But before I could get to her, a feather hit her in the chest. I shot the Nevermore and rushed over to Julia's side. She was bleeding severely. I looked at her and said, "No, Jules. Stay with me." She looked at me weakly and said, "I will always love you, Y/N. But don't forget to smile, do it for me." Then she closed her eyes. I started crying and said, "Don't leave me, Jules. Stay with me now. Jules? Jules?! JULES!!" I heard the sound of a Bullhead landing nearby, followed by a group of people approaching me. One of them said, "Are you okay?" I shook my head and said, "I'm fine, but my wife isn't!" He nodded and said, "Get a stretcher ASAP!"

End of Flashback

I was sitting up and crying at this point, with Yang gently rubbing my back with one hand while she placed her other hand on mine. I sniffled and said, "Julia didn't make it. And she was only a few weeks pregnant, so our unborn baby didn't make it either." I felt more tears slide down my face. Then Yang moved in front of me and said, "I'm so sorry that you had to go through that." She hugged me and said, "I hope you never have to go through that again." We laid back down and she kissed my cheek and said, "Thanks for sharing this with me, Y/N. I love you." I smiled weakly and said, "I love you too, Yang."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now