Vol. 3 Ch. 23 Getting Closer

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Your POV

I yawned as I woke up and smiled at the sight of Weiss still fast asleep on my bare chest. Since Yang had decided to go home with Ruby during break, it had been just Weiss and I the last couple days. I felt Weiss nuzzle her face into my chest and smile. I wrapped my arms around her and heard her say in her sleep, "I'm so glad that you married Yang and I, Y/N. I'm so glad I met you. I love you." I smiled at the thought of having a future like that with Yang and Weiss. I kissed Weiss on the head and said, "I love you too, Snowflake." I thought to myself, I wonder if I should tell her that I actually dated her sister at one point. Nah, I'll keep it to myself unless it comes up. I sighed happily and closed my eyes as I continued to stay there snuggling with Weiss.

After a while, I felt some movement and opened my eyes again. I saw Weiss yawn and look up at me. I looked into her beautiful light blue eyes and said, "Good morning, Snowflake. How'd you sleep?" She smiled and said, "The same way I always do when I sleep with you, absolutely wonderful." I smiled and kissed her forehead. She laid her head back down on my chest and said, "Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you something?" I smiled and said, "Anything you want?" She looked up at me amd asked, "Have you and Yang had sex already?" I was caught completely off guard and said, "What? No, we haven't. What gave you that impression?" Weiss sighed and said, "I don't know, maybe because you seem slightly closer to her." I sighed and said, "That's because of something else. Remember my first love I told you about?" Weiss nodded slowly and said, "Julia, right?" I nodded, grabbed the photo of Jules and I, showed it to Weiss, and said, "The reason I seem closer with Yang is because she reminds me of Julia in multiple ways. Yang is an almost splitting image of Julia. The only detail that's different is Yang's eyes are lilac instead of light blue like Julia's." Weiss nodded and said, "Oh. I didn't realize that. Sorry for jumping to conclusions." I set the photo back on my nightstand, kissed Weiss on the forehead, and said, "It's okay. You know your eyes are the exact same color as Julia's. I actually hadn't noticed that until now." Weiss smiled and said, "Really?" I nodded and said, "Yep." We shared a passionate kiss and went back to cuddling in bed.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I know that it was kinda filler, wasn't planning on it being filler but it did.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now