Vol. 2 Ch. 8 Unfortunate Findings

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Your POV

I sighed as I remembered how Jules and I first met. I wiped away a couple tears from my eyes. I tucked the diary in my inside jacket pocket and climbed out of the tree. I sighed again and walked back to the main campus. When I got there, I wasn't really paying attention to where I was walking and bumped into someone. I stopped and saw that I had bumped into Yang. I sighed and said, "Sorry, Yang. Wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She looked at me and said, "Hey, Y/N. It's okay. I actually wanted to apologize to you for this morning. I'm sorry." I nodded and said, "Don't worry about it. I forgive you. I'll see you later, Yang." I walked off and headed back to my dorm.

Yang's POV

I sighed as he walked off. Something about his behavior was off. I wonder if something's bothering him, I thought. Besides me, that is. I noticed that there was a book on the ground in front of me. I picked it up and thought to myself, Y/N must've dropped this. Wait, who's Julia? And why did Y/N have her diary? I carried the diary back to my dorm and set it on my bed. Maybe I should take this to Professor Ozpin and tell him about it, I thought to myself. I grabbed the book and headed to Professor Ozpin's office.

When I got there, Professor Ozpin looked up and said, "Ah, Ms. Xiao Long. For what do I owe the pleasure?" I took a deep breath and said, "I ran into Y/N earlier and he dropped this." I showed him the diary and he said, "A diary? I never thought that he'd have one." I nodded and said, "It's not even his. I was wondering why Y/N would have someone else's diary. According to the name inside the cover, it belongs to someone named Julia." Ozpin looked at me slightly shocked and said, "I see. Well, I'm afraid that this diary does indeed belong to Y/N. But you'll have to ask him about it for more information, especially if you are curious about who Julia is. It's not my place to tell you." I nodded and decided that I'd go to Y/N's dorm tomorrow morning and ask him about it then.

Your POV

I got to my dorm and closed the door. I reached into my jacket to take Jules' Diary out, but it was gone. I sighed and said to myself, "Dammit, now I've lost one of the few things I have left of Julia's." I wiped away some tears and laid down on my bed. Eventually I drifted off to sleep.

Yang's POV

I got back to my dorm, set the diary on my bed, and changed into my sleepwear. I crawled onto my bed and opened the diary. I read the first page and thought to myself, This doesn't make sense. It seems as if she knew that she would die before he did. Suddenly a picture fell out of the diary. I looked at it and saw an old photo of Y/N with a girl who looked almost exactly like me.

 I looked at it and saw an old photo of Y/N with a girl who looked almost exactly like me

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Is this Julia? I thought to myself. And why does Y/N look the same age in this photo when the picture itself looks like it's at least 100 years old? I'm going to have a lot to ask him tomorrow. It's a good thing that tomorrow's Saturday. I read a little more of the diary, before I closed it, placed it under my pillow, and fell asleep.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now