Vol. 5 Ch. 47 The Next Morning

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Your POV

I woke up with both Yang and Weiss cuddled up against me, the three of us still completely naked. I smiled as I remembered what we did last night and that they accepted my proposal. I felt some movement and saw both of them yawn. I smiled as they opened their eyes and Yang said, "Hey, Hot Stuff. Last night was amazing." Weiss nodded and said, "Yes, it was." I pulled them in closer and said, "I'm just glad that the three of us are together again." I kissed them each on the head and said, "I'm surprised that neither of you asked me which one of you is wearing Julia's wedding ring." They looked at me, obviously wanting to know, so I said, "The answer is that both of you are wearing her ring." They looked at me confused and I said, "Yang, remember when I told that I had ordered something from town when we were still in Patch?" Yang nodded and said, "Yeah, why?" I smiled and said, "What I had ordered was a custom job. I had gone to the jewelry store and asked if they could take Julia's ring and split it into two separate, but identical, wedding rings. And they did exactly that. The two rings I gave you two both contain parts of Julia's original wedding ring throughout them. I wanted to propose to you two with rings that equally meant a lot to me." They both smiled and hugged me, pressing their breasts against me as they did. I kissed them each on their hair and said, "I love you two." Weiss and Yang both replied, "And we love you too, Y/N." I smiled and said, "Hey, girls. Do you two want to just stay here in bed together all day?" They both nodded and said, "Yes." They both cuddled up against me, as Weiss rested her head on my bare chest and Yang rested hers on my shoulder.

Suddenly, Weiss gasped and said, "Oh my god!" Concerned, I asked, "What is it?" She replied, "I was on my period yesterday, so there's a chance that I might get pregnant." I gasped and said, "If you are, then I'll raise the child with you. I love you and I'll love our child just as much." She hugged me, rested her head back down on my chest, and said, "I love you too."  Yang smiled and said, "Come to think of it, I think that I was on my period too." I smiled and said, "Like I just said, If you are, I'll raise the child with both of you. I love you both and I'll love our children just the same." They both smiled and kissed both of my cheeks at the same time. Then they said, "We know."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, even though it was kinda short.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now