Vol. 4 Ch. 40 Reminiscing Good Times

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Your POV

I managed to get out of bed without waking Yang up. I heard some talking downstairs, so I put on my pants and my jacket. I didn't even bother putting a shirt on, then again I never wore a shirt under my jacket. I went downstairs and found Tai talking with Port and Oobleck in the kitchen. I walked into the room and said, "I hope I'm not interrupting. May I join you?" Oobleck replied, "Not a problem, Y/N. We were just remembering old stories." I smiled and said, "Oh, have I told you about the time when I went on a mission with Qrow for the first time?" They shook their heads and I said, "Well, the mission was a simple Search and Destroy mission and it started out perfectly normal. After hours of killing Grimm, I said to Qrow, "Well, that wasn't such a chore now, was it?" Qrow turns to me, out of breath, and says, 'Speak for yourself. How are you not exhausted?' I just shrugged and said, 'I dealt with worse.' Next thing we both know, an Ursa Major has bitten my torso severely. Had I not been immortal, I would've been killed instantly. So I looked at the Ursa Major and simply said, 'Oh. Huh, would you look at that.'" Port, Oobleck, and Tai all laughed as I continued. I said, "Then I stabbed the Ursa Major and killed it, leaving Qrow in shock at what just happened. I started to walk on, turned to Qrow, and said, 'What's wrong?'He just stares at me and says, 'You just got full-on attack by an Ursa Major and you ask me what's wrong? You're insane, man!' I just smirked and said, 'No, I'm not. I'm immortal.'" The four of us all shared another laugh together. Then I listened to them recall old stories as well.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Nora drinking a Redbull)

3rd Person POV

After Yang had been woken up by a nightmare, she heard laughter coming from downstairs. She got up and headed downstairs to discover Professor Oobleck and Port sitting at her kitchen table and laughing with her father and her boyfriend. Port continued his story as he said, "And, and, and then, in comes Qrow, wearing a skirt! I was just a TA, I-I didn't know what to do, so I just... I just left the room to laugh!" Yang came to the kitchen door while the four laughed. Then Tai said, "We told him it was a kilt! He'd never worn a uniform before, so he didn't know!" Oobleck replied, "That is terrible! What is wrong with you!?" Tai chuckled and said, "Hey! The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! Besides, that's not even the best part! See, then we─" Port put his right leg on the tabletop, cutting off Taiyang, and said, "Like what you see?"

Your POV

The four of us laughed and Port lost his balance. He tried to save himself from falling, but ended up on the floor, saying, "Whoa-oh!" There's even more laughter. Taiyang clapped from mirth and Port joins in the hilarity from the floor. We heard some giggles from the doorway, alerting the four of us to Yang's presence. Oobleck stood while Port got up off the floor and said, "Oh, uh, Miss Xiao Long! Uh, please, join us." Yang entered while Oobleck laughed, a little bit embarrassed, and said, "Oh, yes, yes, pull up a chair. Please, pull up a chair." She replied, "I'm good." She hoisted herself backward up onto the kitchen counter, beside where her father and I were standing. Port and Oobleck sat back down and Yang asked, "So, what are you doing here?" Oobleck replied, "Despite popular belief, teachers do have a life outside the classroom." Port continued, "Professor Goodwitch is working 'round the clock to restore Beacon to its former glory! But, Mistral wasn't built in a day. And we all need rest from time to time." Tai spoke up and said, "Now look, let's not worry about that right now. So, there we were, standing in the auditorium, looking at Qrow, wearing a skirt. Then Oz tells everyone, 'It's time to work on our landing strategy!'"

Oobleck replied, "The Branwen twins have always been... interesting, to say the least." I nodded and said, "They sure have." Port said, "That sure didn't seem to stop young Tai." Tai responded, "Hey, come on, man, she's right here." Port replied, "Oh, please! She's a mature young woman! If she can handle combat, she can handle a few jabs at her old man!" Tai argued, "That's not the issue, Pete! And besides, she's still a teenager!" Yang spoke up and said, "'She' is also in the room, and can be directly spoken to. And I think I've been through enough to be considered an adult at this point." Tai sighed and said, "Adult or not, you've still got a long way to go before you're ready for the real world." Yang replied, "Oh my gosh! Does every father figure have the same three condescending phrases?" Taiyang answered, "Yeah! But we only use them when we mean it!" Port, Oobleck, and I looked at each other as the father and daughter argued, a touch uncomfortable. Oobleck took a sip from his mug while Port pulled at his collar. Yang said, "Is that so?" Tai replied, "As a matter of fact, it is so! If you honestly think that you're ready to go out there on your own, ha, well I guess you lost some brain cells along with that arm." Yang gasped and pulled back from her father's face while a stunned Port leans forward, Oobleck's mouth drops open and his glasses slip down, and I stood there in shock with my mouth hanging open as well.

There's a pause before the mug slipped out of Oobleck's hand to safely land on the table. All four of us stared at Taiyang for a few seconds, before Yang said, "You... jerk!" Yang playfully punched Taiyang, and the father and daughter laughed together. Oobleck whispered, "Are we finally talking about the Goliath in the room?" Taiyang and Yang looked at each other and then laughed. Relieved laughter comes from Port, Oobleck, and I. Then Port said, "Oh, Miss Xiao L—Yang, if you don't mind me asking, why haven't you tried on the arm yet?" Oobleck nodded and said, "Oh, yes, yes! A piece of Atlas technology given out like that is rare indeed! Not to mention the effort it took to deliver it here. It seems a great many people want to see you returned to normal." Yang looked down and said, "I'm... scared." Taiyang takes a sidestep closer to Yang, watching and listening, while I put my hand on her shoulder. Yang continued, "Everyone keeps talking about me getting back to normal. And I appreciate it, but... this is normal now." Oobleck and Port both exchanged sad, knowing glances. Then Yang added, "It's just taking me a while to get used to it. Taiyang replied, "Well, normal is what you make of it." Yang looked at him and said, "What is that supposed to mean? Do you want me to just pretend like nothing happened? I lost a part of me. A piece of me is gone. And it's never coming back."

I looked at her and said, "You're right. It's not coming back. But that doesn't have to stop you from becoming who you wanna be. You're Yang Xiao Long, my girlfriend." Then Tai put his hand on his daughter's shoulder and said, "You can do whatever you put your mind to. So whenever you're ready to stop moping, and get back out there, I'll be there for you." I smiled and said, "And so will I." Yang just stood there and said, "I-I..." Then Port said, "Fear is like any other emotion. It comes and goes. It's all in how you handle it. Why, even I find myself wrestling with that emotion from time to time." Yang looked at him unconvinced and said, "Really? You?" Oobleck replied, whispering, "He's afraid of mice." Port then said, while pounding the table, "They bring only disease and famine!" Yang and I laughed while Port ranted about the creepiness of mice. Port continued, "And don't even get me started on their tails! So hairless, and simply unnatural!" Oobleck said, "Port, I assure you, you are safe. There's no mice here right now."

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Yang and Chibi Weiss sleeping with Chibi Y/N)

After Port and Oobleck left, I went back upstairs to Yang and said, "So, are you ready to get back out there?" She looked at me and said, "Yes, I am. As long as you're with me." I smiled and said, "I'll be with forever. Literally." She hugged me and said, "Thanks, babe. I love you." I hugged her back and said, "I love you too, baby."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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