Vol. 3 Ch. 34 Awakening

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3rd Person POV

Birds were tweeting and sunlight was streaming onto the wall behind the bed's headboard. After a few seconds, Ruby woke up and looked over to see her father asleep in a chair. She sat up and sighed quietly, causing Taiyang to stir awake. Tai said, "Ruby!" He got up and ran to kneel by her bed and said, "You're awake!" Ruby groaned and said, "Ugh... what happened?" Taiyang replied, "Your uncle Qrow and Y/N found you, unconscious. They got you out of there, though, and brought you home safe." Ruby looked ooks down in thought for a split second, then looked at her dad and said, "Wait! Yang! Is she alright!?" Taiyang said, "Uh... She's uh... she's gonna be alright. I think she's just... I think it's just gonna take some time for her to get used to things. She's too strong to let this stop her." He covered his eyes for a moment, sniffling, then looked up, smiling, and said, "I'm just glad to have my girls back at home." Ruby said, "What happened to the school?! And Vale?! Were they able to clear out the Grimm?" Taiyang replied, "Things at Vale are under control, but the school... It's... it's not that simple. That thing, whatever it is, doesn't seem to be dead. Don't get me wrong, you did a number on it. But it's not disappearing. It's... kind of... frozen. I know that doesn't sound too bad, but it keeps attracting more Grimm to the school." She tilted her head amd said, "I did... what?" Taiyang responded, "Hmm?" Ruby said, "You said I did a number on it. What do you mean?" Taiyang replied, "I... Look that's not important right now. We can talk about it later. Things are just... kind of a mess."

Your POV

Qrow and I were standing at the doorway, so I finally spoke up and said, "It's always a mess." Ruby and Tai looked to see Qrow and I both standing in the room, near the door. Qrow finished off the contents of his flask before continuing, "Mind if we have a minute?" Tai responded, "What, I can't stay here?!" I looked at Tai and said, "Tai. Please." He stood up, sighed, then leaned in to kiss Ruby on the forehead, and said, "I'm glad you're alright." He starts walking away and said, "I'll go make us some tea." Tai glared at Qrow and I on the way out, but neither of us showed any signs that we cared. As Qrow and I approached Ruby's bed, Qrow grabbed a chair and dragged it with him. He then spun it around to face the bed and sat in it with a significant slouch, crossing one leg over the other. Meanwhile, I just sat on the other bed in the room and Qrow said, "So, how you feeling?" Ruby replied, "Um... I kind of hurt... all over." Qrow and I both chuckled and Qrow said, "That makes sense, after what you did." He crossed his arms and Ruby said, "You guys keep saying that! That I did something! What are you talking about?!" Qrow uncrossed his arms and legs, leaning forward in the chair, and asked, "What's the last thing you remember?" Ruby said, "I ran up the side of the tower, and when I got to the top, I..." She gasped, sadness in her eyes, and said, "Pyrrha! Is she...?" Qrow and I looked down and I said, "She's gone." Ruby said, "I..." Tears filled her eyes as she continued, "I... I got to the top..." She began crying as she said, "And I saw Pyrrha... and Cinder..." She gripped her blanket, tears falling onto it as she finished saying, "And then everything went white!"

Qrow asked, "Anything else?" Ruby replied as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "I remember my head hurting." Qrow said, "The night you met Ozpin, what was the first thing he said to you?" Ruby replied, "I... I don't know. I think it was something about..." I spoke up and said, "Silver eyes. That's an extremely rare trait." She replied, "So?" I said, "You're special, Ruby. And not in the 'Daddy loves his special angel' kind of way. You're special the same way your mom was. Remnant's full of legends and stories, some of them true, some made up. But there's one Oz told me from a very long time ago. Back before Huntsmen, before Kingdoms, it was said that those born with silver eyes were destined to lead the life of a warrior. You see, the creatures of Grimm, the most fearsome monsters mankind had ever encountered, were afraid of those silver-eyed warriors. They were the best of the best. It was said that even a single look from one of these fighters could strike a Grimm down. Heh. It's a ridiculous story." Ruby replied, "But... you think that I might be..." Qrow and I both chuckled and he said, "Well, a giant monster is currently frozen on top of Beacon Tower. And you're here, safe in bed." He got to his feet and walked over to a window, leaning on the sill and staring outside. Then Ruby said, "Wait, wait, how did you know what Ozpin said to me... the night we met?"

Qrow just replied, saying, "All those missions I go on... all the times I'm away in some far-off place... it's been for Ozpin. But he's missing now. Something's been set in motion. With Oz gone, I'll have to pick up where he left off." Then I added, "And so will I." Ruby asked, "Then what can I do? If I'm so special, then I can help, right?" Qrow replied, "You really wanna help? Get some rest. You're in no condition to go anywhere right now." He started heading to the door, before saying, "Besides, our enemy's trail leads all the way to Haven. That'd be quite a trip for a pipsqueak like you." Qrow winked and said, "Catch ya later, kiddo." Then he left the room. I looked at Ruby and said, "Ruby, I just want you to know that your mother would be proud of you. Your mother and I were great friends. Now I'll leave you be." Then I left the room and headed towards the stairs, passing Yang's room along the way. I paused at the doorway and said, "Goldilocks?" She didn't even turn around to face me. She simply said, "Just leave me alone, Y/N." I sighed and said, "I love you." Getting no response, I walked away and just headed downstairs.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Neo building a snowman)

Ruby's POV

I stepped outside, wearing a backpack, and quietly shut the front door. I turn around and see Jaune, Nora, and Ren. Then Jaune said, "Hey." I smiled weakly and said, "Hey, Jaune. Haven's a long way to go." Jaune nodded and said, "I know. It's the only way we have." I asked them, "Are you sure you want to come along?" Ren replied, "The journey will be perilous, and whether we'll find answers at the end is entirely uncertain." Then Nora added, "But we wouldn't be here if we weren't up for it." I smiled and said, "Then let's get started." Then the four of us began our long trek, down the road leading away from my house, until a familiar voice called out and said, "Wait up, you four!" I turned and saw none other than Y/N, who didn't have anything packed up nor did he have his weapons. He walked over to us and said, "I'm not going with you four, but I just want to say good luck to you. I'm sure we'll see each other again." I nodded and hugged Y/N. He froze up for a second before hugging me back. Then he said, "Be careful and be safe, Ruby." I smiled and said, "I will." Then I turned to the others and said, "Okay, now let's go."

Your POV

I smiled as Ruby and the remainder of Team JNPR walked out of sight. Then I said, "Hey, Qrow, I know you're there." I saw a crow fly over and transform into Qrow. I smiled and said, "Keep an eye on them, won't you?" He nodded and said, "You know it. See you around, Y/N." Then he transformed back into the crow and flew off.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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