Vol. 6 Ch. 56 Cordovin

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3rd Person POV

At the entrance to the city of Argus, Yang inputs a code, "4-5-8", to lock Bumblebee and the trailer in a garage. Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar, and Maria take the time to admire their surroundings. Through the crowd, a certain bubbly ginger-haired girl in pink zoomed in and yelled, "Cute! Boy! OZ!!!" Nora pointed her finger to the group as Oscar looked over in confusion, only to get tackle hugged by Nora, who said, "Oh, come here!" Jaune and Ren also arrived and Ren said, "Are you all okay?" He hugged Yang as Jaune hugged Blake and said, "We were so worried!" Yang replied, "It's been kind of a crazy trip." Weiss added, "That's an understatement." Noticing the difference in people in the group, Nora asked, "Wait, who's the old lady? And where's Y/N?" Blake said, "I'm so glad you're all safe." Weiss added, "Seriously..." Nora said, "Ah! You're gonna love this place!" As everyone else engaged in their own conversations, Ruby and Jaune walked up to each other and gave each other a big hug. After parting from the hug, Jaune looked down and frowned. Ruby said, "Hey. I promised, didn't I?" Smiling while tears well up in his eyes, Jaune said, "Yeah, you did." He wiped his eyes and added, "It's good to see you guys." The two shared a smile together.

Later on, the group is seen traveling through the city on a trolley and Yang said, "It's a lot bigger than I thought it'd be." Ren replied, "It's actually one of the largest non-capital cities in all of Remnant." Ruby gasped and said, "No way! But wait, wouldn't it be harder to settle something this big away from the main Kingdom?" Jaune replied, "Well, it was, until Mantle showed up. Early settlement attempts by Mistral didn't go well. But colonists from Mantle were able to help them brave the cold climate and return for goods that Solitas couldn't provide." Ren continued, "The two nations worked together to create a hybrid city. While it falls under Mistral domain, Atlas keeps a military presence here to help keep the people safe and keep trade between the two nations steady." Nora added, "Well, until recently..." The trolley makes a stop and everyone hopped off. Blake said, "We should probably start looking for a ship." Oscar turned to Jaune and said, "So, where have you guys been staying?" Jaune chuckled nervously and said, "Uh..." As the trolley leaves, a blonde woman, Saphron Cotta-Arc, with her baby son, Adrian, in her arm is seen on the other side of the street waving to Jaune. Yang said, "Is that...?"

Jaune smiled, waved back, and said, "Hey, Saph." Ruby then zoomed in, all starry-eyed. She looked back and forth between Jaune and Saphron, and gasped upon realizing who the woman is. The group later reconvened in a living room at a home. Ruby said, "I can't believe I'm meeting your sister! I have so many questions." Nora spoke up and said, "Oh, I can give you the rundown later!" Jaune responded, "Will you guys knock it off?" Saphron replied, "What? I love telling stories about my baby brother." She squeezed Jaune's cheek. Jaune groaned while also flailing his arms at his elder sister, and said, "I am not a baby! That is a baby." He then pointed at Adrian, who huffed back at him. Yang and Weiss got all wide-eyed as they fussed over Adrian. Both of them make baby talk at him. Blake said, "So Saphron, you're the only Arc living here?" A picture on the bookshelf of the Arc siblings all together can be seen, with the young Jaune at the center with pigtails and a deadpan expression while holding a sign that says "HELP" on it while his sisters do various crazy things around him. Saffron replied, "Yep! Moved the second I could. Jaune and I are the only two living away from home." Then she added in a teasing voice, "I guess he just wanted to be like his big sis." Jaune replied, "I, uh..." Saphron said, teasing, "Aw, you didn't deny it!" The two siblings play fight with each other by pulling each other's cheeks. Then, a door is heard opening. A dark-haired woman with glasses is seen walking in with bags of groceries. Saphron said, "Everyone, this is my wife, Terra Cotta." Everyone greeted Terra.

Terra chuckled and said, "Why, hello there! Wow, quite a party, you weren't kidding. Hun, can I get some help please?" Saphron quickly runs over to help Terra in the kitchen. Later on, Jaune, Ren and Nora are seen preparing sandwiches for everyone. Weiss asked, "And you're sure it's alright if we stay with you?" Saphron replied, "Of course, we're happy to house Huntsmen and Huntresses." Terra added, "You all risk so much to keep people like us safe. It's the least we can do." She turned to Qrow and said, "Especially for such an elite Huntsman like yourself. Although, I will say I was surprised to learn you had students helping you. Is that even... legal?" Qrow, not paying attention, gets his arm bumped by his niece, and said, "Uh, of course. Think of it as an extended training mission. Trust me, I was a professor. Even went to the same academy as them. Let me tell ya, these kids are way better than we were at their age." Jaune, Ren and Nora walk back into the room with plates full of sandwiches. Ruby gasped happily upon seeing them. Qrow continued, "Well, not better than me specifically, but a lot of students─" Ruby cut him off, saying, "Shut up, there's food!"

Yang's POV

I started to eat my sandwich but stopped. I felt so guilty about what I said to Y/N, that I had lost my appetite. Weiss placed her hand on my shoulder and said, "We'll see him again, trust me." I smiled weakly and started to eat the rest of my sandwich.

3rd Person POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N walking alone through the woods)

After being denied access for transport to Atlas, Qrow started to walk away. Ruby asked, "So... where are we going now?" Nora said, "Yeah, what's the plan?" Qrow replied bitterly, "The plan? The plan just got shut on our face three times over. I'm going for a drink." Running over to her uncle, Ruby said, "Uncle Qrow, I really think we should try and come up with something..." Qrow walked away before she could finish. Jaune asked, "What's his problem? It's not your fault we can't go on." Nora added, "If he's gonna be a jerk then we'll just come up with something without him. I mean, we've got Ozpin with us! He usually knows what to do." Upon hearing this, Oscar looked down sadly, and Weiss, Blake and Yang exchanged troubled looks. Ren noticed this along with what Nora had earlier and said, "What is it? And wait, where's Y/N?"

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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