Vol. 2 Ch. 22 Telling Ruby And Blake

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Your POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Julia writing in her diary)

After the train had crashed into the wall and we had defeated the Grimm, Weiss and Yang came up to me and Weiss said, "Y/N, Yang and I were talking and we both think that you should tell Ruby and Blake about your secret. They're our teammates and we feel that we shouldn't keep secrets from each other." I nodded and said, "Yeah, you're right. I'll tell them." Yang looked at me and said, "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't want to force you to if you're not ready. " I smiled and said, "I'm sure." Then both girls hugged me and said, "We'll support you the whole way." I hugged them back and kissed them each on the head.

We went over to the rest of Team RWBY and I said, "Hey, Ruby, Blake, there's something that I should tell you two, especially since Weiss and Yang already know." They looked at me confused and I said, "I'm not really a second year student." Then I began to explain to them about my 1st semblance and my past. When I finished explaining to them, Blake looked at me and said, "I thought you looked a lot like the Nameless Huntsman. You matched his description so perfectly." Then Blake hugged me and said, "I'm glad to finally meet the one human that defended the Faunus." I smiled and turned to Ruby. She was looking at the ground, tapping her index fingers repeatedly together. I sighed, knelt down to her level, placed my hand on her shoulder, and said, "Ruby, I'm still the same person. I'm not different than I was the other day. I'm still the same guy you know." She nodded and said, "I know, it's just... a lot to process."

I smiled warmly, looked into Ruby's silver eyes, and said, "You know, you look so much like your mother, Ruby." Ruby looked at me and said, "You knew my mom?" I chuckled lightly and said, "Yes, I did. I heard about her disappearance. I did try looking for her, but after a year, all of my leads came up empty. But I think that I have something that your mother would want me to give you." I reached into my inside jacket pocket and pulled out a decently sized button of a silver rose. I handed it to Ruby and said, "This was one of your mother's spare emblem buttons. She gave it to me when she graduated from Beacon. I don't think she'd mind if I gave it to you, especially since your emblem is the same as hers." Ruby slowly took the button and looked at it carefully. Then she hugged me tightly, and as a couple tears slide down her face, she said, "Thanks, Y/N!" I smiled, hugged her back, and said, "No problem, Ruby."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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