Vol. 2 Ch. 16 Slight Mishaps

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Your POV

I was working out in the workout room, lifting weights, when Oobleck walked in. I finished my reps, put on my jacket, walked over to him, and said, "Hello, Barty. How can I help you this morning?" He smiled, pushed up his glasses, and said, "Ah, yes. Well, I was grading essays from my students earlier and I must say Ms. Schnee's was quite unique. You and I both know that some of the information she wrote about in her essay was not something that you can find in the history books." I smirked and said, "She came to me, Barty. She asked for my help on picking an essay topic that's not overly used. So I suggested The Nameless Huntsman. I never told her that it was truly about me." Oobleck nodded and said, "Ah, of course. Well, I just wanted to ask you about it. Though if you don't mind me saying, it appears that you and Ms. Xiao Long seem closer." I smiled and said, "We're dating. And she does know about my past." Oobleck smiled and said, "Good, good. Well, I'd better head back to my classroom and get ready for class. See you around, Y/N." Then he zoomed off.

I smiled and went back to my dorm. I got undressed and hopped into the shower. When I got out, I wrapped myself up in a towel and exited the bathroom. I saw Yang playing a game on her Scroll while sitting on my bed. She glanced up at me and said, "Hello, Hot Stuff. Momma likes what she's sees." I rolled my eyes and said, "Why, thank you, Goldilocks. I─" I cut myself off as I realized what I had just called Yang. Goldilocks was another one of my nicknames for Julia, and I unconsciously used it on Yang. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Yang looking me in the eyes, slightly concerned. Then she said, "That was another nickname you had for Julia, wasn't it?" I slowly nodded and said, "It just slipped out. I─" Yang cut me off by placing a finger on my lips and she said, "I'm sure Julia wouldn't mind. Besides, I kinda like it." I smiled and said, "Thanks, Yang." She kissed my cheek and said, "No problem. Now get dressed, I'm hungry and I'd rather go to dinner together." I nodded and got dressed quickly.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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