Vol. 4 Ch. 41 Getting Back Out There

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Your POV

I was working out in Yang's room since she had gone outside doing something with her new arm. I finished my last set of reps and went into the bathroom to take a shower. As I was starting to shower, I felt two arms wrap around my torso followed by a pair of breasts pressing against my back. I smirked and said, "Hey, Yang. Just so you know, I just wanted to shower. I wouldn't mind if we showered together, but I'm not really in the mood for any sex right now." I felt her lips kissed my neck and she said, "That's okay. I'm not in the mood for sex either." I smiled as I noticed her newly painted arm and said, "I like what you did to the arm. It fits you well, Goldilocks." She turned me around to face her and kissed me quickly, but passionately, on the lips. Then she said, "Thanks." After we finished the shower and got dressed, I looked at her and said, "Wow, your new outfit looks amazing and kinda hot." She smiled and said, "Thanks, Babe. You ready to go?" I nodded and said, "Let me just grab my weapons. So, Goldilocks, are you sure you're ready to get back out there?" She nodded and said, "Definitely, especially when I'll have you there with me." I grabbed Paradox and Equinox, holstered them, kissed Yang on the forehead, and said, "Alright then. Let's go."

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Neo stealing Chibi Y/N's ice cream)

Yang and I had stopped and made camp for the night. We were both laying in the same sleeping bag. Yang was fast asleep on my chest. I was woken up by a sound nearby that sounded like a Grimm. I carefully got up without waking up Yang, followed the source, and saw that it was an Ursa. I pulled out Equinox and Paradox and started to fight the Grimm. I stabbed it in the chest with Equinox and shot a bullet through its head with Paradox, killing the Ursa almost instantly. After it dissipated into ash, I converted Equinox back into its Deagle form and shot behind me at the Beowolf that was approaching me. Once I killed it, I blew the smoke off the barrels, spun both of my weapons in my hands, and holstered them. I smirked as I walked back to my girlfriend to see that she was still fast asleep. I sighed as I looked at the shattered Moon and thought to myself, If only you were here too, Weiss. I miss you. Then I crawled back into the sleeping bag with Yang, who immediately started to nuzzle her face into my neck as she slept. I smiled as I kissed her hair and drifted back off to sleep.

Weiss' POV

As I was boarding the airship, I paused, looked at the shattered Moon, and thought to myself, I miss you, Y/N. Hopefully, I'll see you again soon.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now