Vol. 5 Ch. 51 Not Yet Your Time

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3rd Person POV

As Team RWBY, JNR, Qrow, and Oscar left in exhaustion and sorrow, Y/N's body still lay motionless against the wall.

Your POV

I was in an old room at Beacon Academy. I looked around and realized that it was my dorm room. I turned and saw Julia sitting on the bed, completely normal, as if she was actually here. I walked over to her and said, "Sorry I'm late. I had to save the world again." Jules turned to me and said, "Shut up and kiss me like you miss me!" I smirked and said, "Then come here." She ran and jumped into my arms, wrapped her legs around my torso, and we started making out. When we pulled away, she looked at me slightly upset. I placed my hand on her cheek and said, "What is it?" She sighed and said, "There's a time for us. But it's not now. They still need you." I turned and saw a window into reality. I saw everyone sad about my death, especially Yang and Weiss.

I turned to Jules and said, "But what about you, Jules?" She smiled warmly and said, "I'll be fine, Y/N. Besides I've waited this long for you, haven't I? It won't hurt to wait a little longer." I felt a couple tears slide down my face. Jules wiped them away and said, "Hey, don't cry. I'll always be with you in your heart." I smiled weakly and said, "I know." I turned and headed towards the window of reality. I paused before I went through it, turned back to Jules, and said, "Hey, Jules. I love you three thousand." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Knucklehead." I smiled and went into the window.

Back In Reality

I slowly opened my eyes and popped my neck. I sighed and said, "Well, that's a little unfortunate." I sighed, stood up, and stretched out my arms. I walked over to the exit. I eventually caught up to the others and said, "Did you honestly think that I would go down that easily? This is me we're talking about." They all froze and Yang and Weiss slowly turned to face me. I smirked and said, "Did you miss me?" They both ran to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged them back and said, "I guess so." They both hugged me even tighter and Yang said, "Don't you ever worry us like that again! You hear me?!" I smirked, kissed them both on the head and said, "I'll do my best. Besides I won't go down without a fight." I looked at Qrow and said, "So did we win?" Qrow smirked and said, "Yep. Oz said that we need to get the Relic to Atlas." I nodded as I noticed which Relic that Qrow was holding and said, "Right."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. You all didn't think that I'd kill off the immortal main character, did you?
Master out.

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