Vol. 2 Ch. 10 The Unexpected Talk

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Your POV

In Your Mind

I stared at Julia for a while and said, "J-Julia? Am I really talking to you?" She nodded and said, "Yes." I blinked my eyes and said, "This can't be real. How could you be talking to me? I saw you die in my arms." She smiled and said, "I did die. But believe me, this is real. I never told you about my semblance. My semblance wasn't really useful to me, but I'll use it one last time for you. It gave me the ability to grant wishes of others. I used the second to last one so we could have this conversation after you asked. I'll let you use the last one." I nodded and said, "I wish that my immortality allowed me to age until I'm in my early thirties or late twenties." She nodded as she snapped her fingers and said, "As you wish." I smiled and said, "Thanks." She smiled and said, "No problem, Y/N. So Yang's nice."

I looked down and said, "She reminds me of you so much. But I still miss you so much." Julia got up, walked over to me, and said, "Y/N, I've been fine in the afterlife. But I don't want to see you wallowing in guilt or suffering. My death was never your fault. I want you to be happy. Plus, I think Yang is perfect for you. I can tell that she really likes you and she cares about you. I think that you should at least give her a chance. I will always love you and support you. But please don't let my death stop you from being in a relationship or being happy." I nodded and hugged Julia. I looked into her beautiful light blue eyes and said, "I've missed you, Jules." She hugged me back and replied, "I know you have. I love you, Knucklehead. My Ageless Fighter." We shared a brief, but passionate, kiss and I closed my eyes.

Back In Reality

I opened my eyes and saw that I was back in my dorm. Then I heard someone in my head say, "I'll always love you, Knucklehead." I smiled and sent a text to Yang.

I sighed and put on my trench coat

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I sighed and put on my trench coat. I took a shower to calm my nerves. After I got dressed, I opened up Julia's diary and found a picture of Julia and I after our first date. I smiled and put in a spare picture frame that I had in my nightstand. I heard a knock on door. I answered it, revealing Yang standing there. I smiled and said, "Yang, please come in." She nodded and came into my dorm. I shut the door behind her and said, "I've been thinking, and I've come to the realization that Jules wouldn't want me to be selfish and lonely. So I wanted to ask you something." Yang nodded and said, "Sure, anything." I took a deep breath, let it out, and said, "Yang, would you like to go out with me?"

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now