Vol. 6 Ch. 53 The Lost Fable

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3rd Person POV

Jinn continued narrating, "Thus began a long and painful cycle of death and rebirth for Ozma." A montage of Ozma's various reincarnates are shown, including a frail man weakly walking by many gravestones, followed by a despondent man walking in the rain, who would rather drink his problems away. Jinn said, "Some lives were spent in mourning, many were spent attempting to forget it all." Finally, Ozma reincarnates to a dark-skinned man with glasses who starts off slouching, but then eventually stands straight up and determinedly walks forward. Jinn continued, "But no matter what, his mind would eventually turn back to the task he had been burdened with." Ozma's newest reincarnate is shown serving a meal to his wife and two children, both of whom interestingly have silver eyes. A mirror image of the man is shown behind him, leaning on a nearby wall. Jinn continued, "And as the centuries went on, Ozma began to learn the importance of living with the souls with which he had been paired." Ozma then hears screaming outside. He opens the door and sees villagers running around in panic as Grimm attack. Jinn said, "But no matter where or how he lived, her presence was always felt."

Ozma looks back to his wife, who nods in understanding, before going out with The Long Memory into battle. Jinn continued, "If Humanity were ever to stand a chance at being united, one thing was clear..." Knowing the answer already, Ruby said, "He had to destroy Salem..." Smoke then transitions showing Ozma's reincarnation many years older now, tinkering with his cane in his workshop. Jinn said, "Knowing he could never rid the world of her through any mortal means, Ozma sought out the power of the Relics." The elderly tinkerer then places his cane inside a metal cabinet, closing the door on it. The door opens again showing Ozma's newest reincarnation, a well-dressed man, picking up the cane where he last left it in his previous life. Jinn continued, "Armed with my knowledge, he believed he could fulfill his promise to the God of Light." Ozma is next shown holding the Relic of Knowledge, summoning Jinn for the first time. All of Team RWBY can be seen with him as they walk towards Jinn. Ozma asked her, "Where are the other Relics?" Jinn narrated, "He asked me his questions." Ozma asked, "What powers do they possess?" Jinn narrated, "And though I gave him my answers..." Ozma asked, "How do I destroy Salem?" Jinn continued, "...not all of them were to his liking." Team RWBY watched as Jinn gives her answer to Ozma, "You can't." Upon hearing this, Ozma falls to his knees in despair and Jinn said, "Ozma hid the Relics in the Huntsman Academies to protect them from Salem. But as Ozma did this, he met someone with a similar circumstance as himself..."

The scene changed to view an 19 year old boy with blue eyes and brown hair. The teenage boy was shirtless and was fighting a big horde of Beowolves all on his own. Ozma watched as the guy fought the Grimm endlessly. When the kid got dog piled by the Grimm, Ozma began to fight the Grimm off before they could kill the man. When the Grimm were killed, Ozma rushed over to check on the boy. But surprisingly the kid didn't have a scratch on him. Ozma looked at him shocked and said, "Are you okay? How aren't you hurt?" The kid sighed and said, "My semblance makes me immortal. I realized it when I unlocked it a couple centuries ago. Haven't aged a day since." Jinn narrated and said, "For some unknown reason, Ozma decided to tell this man his real name." Ozma held out his hand and said, "I'm Ozma. And you are?" The man smirked and said, "Name's Y/N. Y/N L/N." Y/N shook Ozma's hand and Ozma said, "It's great to meet you, Y/N. You know you look somewhat like the man referred to as the Nameless Huntsman." Jinn added, "Once again, for some unknown reason, Y/N decided to tell Ozma the truth." Y/N smirked and said, "Well, Ozma, that's because I am the Nameless Huntsman."

Jinn continued, "Now Y/N's immortality was not because of gods, for his immortality was his semblance, something that he had no control over. As a result, Y/N had dealt with loss in a way much different than Ozma." The scene changed to show Y/N roaming through Beacon, as a girl with yellow hair ran through the halls carrying her books. She accidentally ran into Y/N and Jinn said, "This girl was Julia Talos. After she and Y/N had met, they had an instant connection. The two were nearly inseparable. But like everything else, nothing good ever lasts forever." The scene changed once more to show Julia getting killed by a Nevermore in Y/N's arms and Y/N crying out in agony. Team RWBY each held their hands over their mouths in shock, as they had witnessed their own friend's heartache and pain. The scene surrounding them slowly faded away as the snow started to fall once again.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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