Vol. 4 Ch. 37 Being Honest

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Your POV

After dinner, I excused myself for a while and went for a walk alone. I walked through the forest for a while until I arrived at a familiar clearing. There were only two things in the open area, a gravestone and a bench that faced it. I walked over, placed the flowers that I had bought earlier today in front of the gravestone, and sat down on the bench. I sighed and said, "Hey, Jules. I know it's been a long time since I visited you here. I did enjoy our talk a while back. I just needed some time to think and I felt that this would be a good place to do so." I looked at her gravestone and sighed again.

I sat there enjoying the peace and the beautiful sounds of the nature around me

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I sat there enjoying the peace and the beautiful sounds of the nature around me. When all of this chaos with Salem is over, I thought to myself. I think I might build a house on the other side of this clearing. A house where Weiss, Yang, and I can live together. Weiss. Man, I miss her. I hope she's doing okay. I sat there in silence for a while before I finally stood up and walked back to the Xiao Long-Rose house. When I got there, I found Yang in her room. I walked in, looked at her, and said, "Yang?" She looked at me and said, "Yeah?" I looked into her beautiful lilac eyes and asked, "Are you happy?" Pushing herself up onto her elbow, Yang asked me in confusion, "What?" I sighed and said, "With me, I mean. Do I... do I make you happy?" She replied, "Of course you do. Why wouldn't you?" I sighed again and said, "It's just, I don't know, it's just, you're this amazing, intelligent, beautiful, and sexy woman. You're perfect in every way. Hell, you look, sound, and act almost exactly like Julia. So why did you choose me?" Yang asked me concerned, "Y/N, do you really feel that way?" I sighed as I sat down next to her on the bed and said, "This all just feels too perfect. I'm afraid that this is some kind of dream or a cruel prank. I just, I don't want to lose you." She moved closer to me and said, "I had no idea that you felt like that. Of course, I'm happy with you. You've changed my life. Because of you, I know what true love feels like." Then Yang and I shared a passionate kiss together that was full of absolute bliss and love. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she put her arm around my neck and we both deepened the kiss. She pulled away and said, "I love you so much, Y/N." I smiled and replied, "I love you too, Yang." She smiled and kissed me passionately again, while sliding her hand up and down my abs. I licked her lower lip for entrance, but she playfully denied. I grabbed her ass and she gasped. I take my chance and explore every single inch of her mouth with my tongue. When we pull away from the kiss, there was a silvery trail of saliva between us. Then Yang said, "Y/N, I want you to take my virginity." I looked into her beautiful lilac eyes and asked, "Are you sure?" She nodded and said, "More than I ever been."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be a lemon.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now