Vol. 1 Ch. 3 It's You!

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Yang's POV

After I ditched Ruby so she could possibly make a friend or two, I saw someone kinda familiar sitting on a bench. He was wearing a light blue trench coat without anything underneath it and he had a pair of sunglasses on his head. His eyes were closed, but I had a feeling that he probably wasn't sleeping. I walked over to him and said, "Hey, it's you again!" He smirked and said, "And I know you how?" I frowned and said, "Aren't you the guy that saved me at Junior's Club a few weeks back?" He opened his eyes and looked at me slightly shocked and confused. He shook it off and said, "Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else. My bad. But to answer your question, yes, that was me." I smiled and said, "I never got a chance to say thanks, Hot Stuff." He smiled and said, "No problem. And the name's Y/N. Y/N L/N." I looked at him and said, "Well Y/N, I'm Yang. Yang Xiao Long. It's nice to meet you." He stood up and said, "Likewise. I'll see you around, Yang."

Your POV

I walked away from Yang, deep in thought. She's so much like Jules. She looks almost exactly like her. Heck, Yang's voice sounds like her. But it's not Jules. It can't be. I saw Julia die. But her last name is Xiao Long. I wonder if she's Tai's daughter? I sighed as I focused back on reality and headed to the cafeteria for dinner. I got my food and sat down at a table by myself. After a few minutes, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Yang and another girl, who looked like a young version of Summer Rose, standing there. I looked at them and said, "Can I help you?" Yang smiled and said, "Would you mind if Ruby and I sat here?" I sighed and said, "Go ahead."

They both smiled and sat down. Then Yang said, "Ruby, this is the guy who I told you about. Y/N, this is my little sister, Ruby." I looked at her and said, "Pardon me? But you two look nothing alike." Yang nodded and said, "Yeah, we get that a lot. We're actually half-sisters. Different moms, same dad." I nodded and said, "I see. Well, I'm going to head to bed." Yang smirked and said, "Maybe you can set your sleeping bag by us?" I sighed and said, "Well, I'd much rather sleep in my dorm." Yang looked at me confused and said, "Aren't you a new student?" I chuckled lightly and said, "Nope, I'm not a new student." She nodded and said, "Then what year are you? How old are you?" I smiled and lied, "I'm only 18, Yang. I'm a second year student." She nodded and said, "Oh, okay." I smiled and said, "Good luck with initiation tomorrow, you two. Goodnight." Then I walked back to my dorm.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now