Epilogue: The Bedtime Story

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12 Years Later

Yang's POV

I was putting my daughter and Weiss' son to bed. Our daughter was a month older than our son, who was only 2 years old. They were both Y/N's kids. He had one with both of us. His and I's daughter looked like me but with his eyes, which made her look almost exactly like Julia, which was who we decided to name her after. His and Weiss' son, Snow, looked like him but with completely white hair. I tucked them into bed and gave them each a kiss goodnight. But before I could leave the room, Julia asked, "Mommy, could you tell us a bedtime story?" I smiled and said, "Sure, what one would you like to hear?" Snow piped up and said, "Oooh, can you tell us about the Blue Time Traveler?" I smiled and said, "Sure." I sat down on Snow's bed and began.

I said, "Once upon a time, there was a man who wore a blue trench coat and blue sunglasses. He had blue eyes and brown hair. He would appear to help fight in wars and battles, but would disappear when the fight was over. Everyone that encountered him always said that he never aged a day in between the fights. It was as if he traveled through time, only stopping to help others in need. Some say that he still makes appearances to help others to this day, but not everyone is certain when he'll show up again. The End."

I smiled as I saw that they were both asleep. Then I got up, walked to the door, and quietly closed it behind me. I found both my wife, Weiss, and our husband, Y/N, on the couch, watching TV. I sat down beside Y/N and said, "Hey, they asked me to tell them an interesting bedtime story." Y/N looked at me and said, "Oh? And which one would that be?" I smiled and said, "The Blue Time Traveler." He smirked and said, "Did you let them know that you were talking about their own father?" I shook my head and said, "No." Then Weiss said, "Good, I think that we should hold off on telling them until they head off to a Huntsman Academy." Y/N and I both nodded and said, "Agreed." Then the three of us went back to watching TV.

The End.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and this book. I know that I'm very happy with how this book turned out.
Master out.

The Immortal Adventurer: Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader X Weiss SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now